Mrs. Luider’s 4th Grade December 2016 November’s AR WINNER IS… Comprehension Skill Focus Compare and Contrast Different Points of view Compare and Contrast First Hand and Second Hand Accounts Vocabulary Focus Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors in text, synonyms and antonyms Comparing Fraction Use models to justify why fractions are equivalent. Generate equivalent fractions by using models. Compare two fractions. Informative and Opinion Writing We will begin to prepare for the writing assessment in February. Students will be writing every day for 45 minutes. The Earth and Moon How does the position of Earth determine the position of the stars and moon? Florida in the 1800s How did the key events that took place in the 1800s impact Florida?? “Do the right thing when no one is looking.” Don’t Forget Homework Club Every Friday during lunch-Bring a “G” Rated Movie to watch! November’s AR WINNER IS… Kevin B.!!! Keep Reading!! AR Goals need to be met when we get back from winter break.
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