Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) Moss animals
8) Has no excretory system. 9)Has a lophophore 8) Has no excretory system. 9)Has a lophophore. 10)Reproduction normally sexual 11)Feeds on fine particles in the water. 12)All live in aquatic environments mostly marine.
1)Bilaterally symmetrical. 3)Body cavity a true coelom 1)Bilaterally symmetrical. 3)Body cavity a true coelom. 4)Body possesses a U-shaped gut with an anus. 5)Body enclosed in a calcareous, chitinous or gelatinous box, tube or communal matrix. 6) gaglia nno brain 7)Has no circulatory system or gaseous exchange organs.
Colonies of Bryozoans are started by a single individual, which after its larval existence settles onto a substrate and after a little growth begins to reproduce asexually (by budding). Thus a colony is composed entirely of clones of the first animal Colonies can grow quickly The individual animals within a colony are called zooids. Each zooid secretes and lives inside a non living case called a zooecium
Each zooecium has a hole at the top called an orifice through which the animal can extend its ring of tentacles or lophophore when it is feeding. In some species this orifice can be sealed shut by a sort of door called an operculum.
There are many different types of bryozoan colonies There are many different types of bryozoan colonies. Some form crusty skins on top of shells, docks or other hard surfaces and are called encrusting bryozoans. Some colonies form solid towers, which grow up into the water column.