Out of Zion Paul Wilbur.


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Presentation transcript:

Out of Zion Paul Wilbur

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Comes your Salvation Yeah, whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Comes Your Salvation Yeah, whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa

They’ll say who is This King of glory Yeshua HaMashiach

So lift up your heads Lift up your heads Oh ye gates Whoa

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Comes your Salvation Yeah, whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Comes your Salvation Yeah, whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa

Oh that Salvation for Israel will come

The fortunes of His people When God restores The fortunes of His people

Jacob will rejoice Israel will be glad

All who call upon the Lord shall be saved

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion, Zion Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, oh, oh, oh

Here comes Salvation Whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Comes Your Salvation Yeah, Whoa

And a nation will be Formed out of Him

And a people will be Born out of Him

Out of Zion, Zion Whoa Out of Zion