Health and Wellness International Definition Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity National Definition Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.
Assignment One 1. Income and Social Status 2. Social Support Networks 3. Education and Literacy 4. Employment/Working Conditions 5. Social Environments 6. Physical Environments 7. Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills 8. Healthy Child Development 9. Biology and Genetic Endowment 10. Health Services 11. Gender 12. Culture Give specific examples of the following determinants of HEALTH
DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH & WELLNESS Active Living Physical Activity Physical Fitness PHYSICAL WELLNESS
DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH & WELLNESS Feeling positive about yourself Feeling positive about what you do Self-Esteem Life style choices/Quality of life Respect Positive outlook Healthy Eating EMOTIONAL WELLNESS
DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH & WELLNESS Friends Family Communication Pyscho-Social Positive Outlook/Meet Goals SOCIAL WELLNESS
DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH & WELLNESS Decision Making Critical Thinking Expression Learning Holistic questionnaire to follow Creativity INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS
Assignment 2 Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual Aspects How can you optimize your personal Health & Wellness ? Include the following: Nutrition – Canada Food Guide, Mineral and Vitamins (fill in the chart provided) Hygiene, dental, medical care Sleep Support systems In order for Health and Wellness to stay and/or improve, one must look into all aspects of wellness. ANSWER the Holistic Health and Wellness Questionnaire and then WRITE 1 – 2 pages on: Health and Wellness Additional handout notes if necessary (health and wellness in binder) See Vitamin PPT from Kirk (on desk top)
Vitamin & Mineral Quiz When you have completed the Vitamin/Mineral Worksheet: Complete the Quiz
Assignment 3 Physical Aspect of Wellness PART A – HANDOUTS PROVIDED 1. Identify the major bones of the body 2. Locate and name the muscles of the: upper extremity trunk, trunk, lower extremity PART B – NO HANDOUTS 1. Define range of motion include passive and active 2. How/why do muscles work in pairs to produce movement? 3. Name and Define the six types of synovial joints (add a picture) Bone Identification Muscle Identification Movement principles Movement/joint actions Assignment in binder Also assignment on computer
Assignment 4 From the handout provided: make your own notes using your Coloring Books/Internet make your own notes: 1. Planes and positions within the body – osteology terminology 2. Anatomic direction within the body
Partner/Group Work SYSTEMS List all the systems of the body using anatomical names In chart form: Identify the function of each system including the cells, tissues, organs and where it is found. 5. Explain the interrelationship between the body systems in maintaining homeostasis.
BASIC TERMS Anatomy – a branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans Physiology – a branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts Pathology – the sciences of the causes and effects of disease – especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examinations of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes Homeostasis – the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between the interdependent elements especially as maintained by physiological processes Complete the Language of Medicine HAND OUT Handout Language of Medicine
Assignment 5 Group/Partner Work Define the terms: Signs of a disease Symptoms of a disease Syndromes Prognosis Therapy Complementary/alternative medicine Integrative health Preventative health Public health
Transmission of Disease Divide yourselves into groups of 4. Within your group discuss how each of the following diseases are transmitted. Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C HIV Fill in the chart provided on preventing disease. (each person must have a copy) Hand out Haddox chart Handwashing PPT
TRAVEL BROCHURE Research and Produce a TRAVEL BROCHURE for a specific country. You must identify disease(s) that may be “more common” in that are, precautions and preventions of the disease(s). Include interesting facts about the area and also discuss how you can safeguard yourself prior to travelling. BE SPECIFIC REFERENCES
HANDWASHING ASSIGNMENT After researching how to Hand Wash properly, design a comic strip to show the value of hand washing. Include all steps necessary for washing your hands to prevent the transmission of diseases.
Open Book Test