Bring the change in the system on which India is working Bring the change in the system on which India is working? Changes to be made in India, World:- Request by Bathini Srinivas , Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Swachh Bharath and Swasth Bharath and Spiritual Bharath!
Each home should be provided with minimum 1 Job, Training + Job with sufficient salary to run his family. Minimum education to children + professional training in any vocational courses for future.
Minimum family 2+2 formula is must Minimum family 2+2 formula is must. Every hospital should follow & give intimation & warning at the time of second child. No Jobs and Help from Govt. , if they fail to follow this Rule.
Government hospitals services to all should be 100% with humanity Government hospitals services to all should be 100% with humanity. Private Hospitals must take minimum fees-structure to be decided as per norms of the government board. (life insurance and health insurance to all)
Correct planning in construction of roads, government projects Correct planning in construction of roads, government projects. No wastage of public money. Proper management of government construction works. As per government records, the family who are not having the minimum land and house on their own should be preferred and allotted.
Government should provide minimum jobs to youth, who are qualified and having talent. Stop corruption! Every work and transaction should be clear and should be known to public.
Security of citizens, specially girls and women Security of citizens, specially girls and women. Special strict laws for Safety of all. Controlling the prices of all products especially daily needs... (Everything/product used daily by common man should me made affordable to Buy.)
Everyone should respect their own caste, religion Everyone should respect their own caste, religion. No conversions-Conversion-illegal-strict action… Ban - cigarette, drugs, prostitution, liquor, gutka, Coca-Cola and other drinks and food which ever are harmful to human beings and animals.
Politicians should at least study PG in politics, he should have soft skills, and he should be non commercial and dedicated in helping people who are suffering. Children’s education system should be changed totally; their way of learning should be practical in order to stay fit for future competition in studies / Jobs. What Britishers left out the systems in India- should be removed completely.
Politicians and Persons who has capability to do something for his village, district, state, country, world etc. should be Elected and Whatever he promises in manifesto during elections should be fulfilled ,otherwise they should be punished under law.
Police, people, army etc should be fair to people and country Police, people, army etc should be fair to people and country. All corrupted police; army should be punished immediately with audio / video live in proof with CC cameras with voice. Even politicians office, Govt. offices and other should be transparent to all public…on every major decisions taken by Govt. Public opinion polls ,social media should play an important role in decision making of Govt. policies.
In jails the people who are undergoing jail shall be trained with soft skills, spiritual skills, human values, hospitality, technical, vocational courses for their future and career.
Giving more powers to woman in family related issues, had made men loosen the grip of the house and the women after marriage instead of peace of life they have become money minded and starts fighting with husband for some silly issues and goes for divorce, there by claiming the husband property and maintenance for rest of life without any efforts. This is Injustice.
This is very unfair! Now a day’s ladies are maintaining extra secret marital affairs and doing illegal things , they should be punished in such a way no other women should even think of illegal marital affair.
Our India is traditional ,please bring back the Ethics, Morals which were there in 1900 hundredth century and not 2000 century. No western culture influence should be there on Indian Families.