Welcome to Venezuela
Venezuela Venezuela is on the continent of South America. The capital of Venezuela is Caracas.
The people of Venezuela speak Spanish.
Animals of Venezuela. Bush dog Margay
Foods eaten in Venezuela. Apria (corn meal) cake) Cachapa (Pancake) Casabe (bread) Canndi (a pastry)
Products in Venezuela. Grains steel Potatoes
Things seen in Venezuela. Their money Their flag
School in Venezuela. They are in school for 11 years. Elementary school last for 6 years,1 to 6.Middle school last for3 years. High school last for 2 years.
Interesting facts Venezuela food is some how like ours. Venezuela has the highest water fall in the world with (797m)/3,211ft. The Simson's are inappropriate and is not allowed on TV. The capital is under a mountain.
JOBS IN Venezuela. Area legal director Manager product mgmt.
Sports in Venezuela are: soccer, baseball, basketball and tennis.
Music and art:
Holidays in Venezuela New years day-Thursday, January 1st. Three wise men- Monday, January 6th. Flags day-Monday, August 3rd.
Thanks for visiting Venezuela! By: Natalie A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RbRTkl4Nb8&feature=player_embedded