Ricarda-Huch-Schule Ricarda-Huch-Schule Gießen THE RICARDA HUCH SCHOOL IN GIESSEN Germany … the school in the heart of Giessen
Outline of the Presentation: 1. The location of the Ricarda-Huch-School in Giessen 2. The concept of the Ricarda-Huch-School 3. The students at the Ricarda-Huch-School 4. The Trialogue-Concept 5. Ideas for projects and a potential school partnership Ricarda-Huch-Schule
1. The location of the Ricarda-Huch-School in Giessen
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 1. The location of the Ricarda-Huch-School in Giessen
Ricarda-Huch-Schule Located in the heart of Giessen Easy to arrive by public transportation The biggest school library of the region is situated in our new building (with accessable computers and Internet) New building finished in 2007 which has a Cafeteria 1. The location of the Ricarda-Huch-School in Giessen
Ricarda-Huch-Schule the Jugendstil is a special badge! The building A is constructed in the Jugendstil Logo of the school: Ricarda: school with Jugendstil
Ricarda-Huch-Schule Hymn of the school Refrain: Ricarda, Im Herzen der Stadt und am Puls der Zeit, Ricarda, Dein Lernziel ist die Menschlichkeit, die gute alte Tante mit Jugendstil, Ricarda, die weiß was Sie will… Chorus: Ricarda, in the heart of the city and at the pulse of time, Ricarda, your learning target is humanity, the good old auntie with Jugendstil, Ricarda, she knows what she wants… the Jugendstil is a special badge!
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 2. General principles of the Ricarda-Huch-School With each other – of each other – for each other" At the Ricarda we … … live and learn with each other at our school. … offer chances for advancements and mobility between our types of school … advance and challenge each other according to the individual ability. … communicate with respect with each other.
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 2. General principles of the Ricarda-Huch-School … are living a liable, democratic behavior. … are helping each other, on our personal way to become a critical, independant and tolerant human being. … are learning from each other, to use our abilities for our way of life as best as possible.... we want to accompany each other mutually to reach our goals just as well as we show the willingness to reconsider them
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 3. The students at the Ricarda-Huch-School
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 3. The students at the Ricarda-Huch-School Demographics – Analysis: 1480 students … from over 30 nations … with over five different religious denominations and over 20 different confessions … We can estimate that at least one third of our students has a migrational background.
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 3. The students at the Ricarda-Huch-School Migration and tolerance in our hymn: 1. Strophe: Kinder aller Länder fühlen sich wohl bei Dir, bei Dir ist jeden Tag, Tag der offenen Tür, Du verstehst viele Sprachen dieser Welt, … 1st verse: Children of all countries like to be at your side, at yours every day is open house, you understand many languages of the world, …
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 4. The Trialogue-Concept Definition: The dialogue between the three monotheistic religions. At our school: –since 2005/2006 The Reichsprogromnacht from trialogic perspective – Students developed in a project work and presentation an exhibition with the topic Disfranchisement and annihilation of the European Jews
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 4. The Trialogue-Concept At our school: – The Trialogue of the cultures is organisational and with regards to contents anchored in our whole school life – Vivid contact between the school and the society for Christian-Jewish cooperation – Classes visit the synagogue, a mosque and a church in Giessen
Ricarda-Huch-Schule 5. Ideas for projects and a potential schoolpartnership –The starting point as regards to contents should be the remembrance of the Shoah. – But we should also have a vision for the present and future topics. – Tolerance, cooperation and appreciation between Israeli and German teenagers should be the main aims. –Music: A perfomance of a composition of Israeli and German students together – History: Jerusalem: city of three religions – Politics: Israel and Germany: Two immigrant states. Advantages and challenges for the societies. –Sports: A Basketball tournament – Religious Education. Workshop to develop understanding for the conception of owns own and the other religion from an Israeli and a German point of view. –Field trip to Auschwitz. –The Stolperstein project.
Ricarda-Huch-Schule How can we start? – Exchange of teachers delegations – Exchange of students – Build up teaching tandems of one Israeli and one German teacher in order to develop projects – Build up a homepage to start communication and discussions 5. Ideas for projects and a potential schoolpartnership
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Ricarda-Huch-Schule Ricarda Huch Schule Giessen Dammstraße Gießen, Germany Fon: 0641/ Fax: 0641/ Homepage: