From Plan to Implementation: what is our challenge? Creating sustainable cities of the future, adapted for the age of telecommunications, that are pleasant to live in These changes are related to people (behaviour), urban structures and mobility and energy systems Examples: PICO, Acceleration010, ECODISTR-ICT
Progress in delivering building upgrade programs Many cities work on implementation of SEAP’s and similar energy programs Awareness that measures only on building level do not suffice, district level Usually pace of realising clean energy cities/districts quite slow while we need to come from “urban acupuncture” to systemic changes that are needed Focus on technology, financial-economic and social aspects subordinate Lack of awareness, other priorities of end users and other actors Variety of stakeholders and many interdependencies between them but no common operational picture and lackof integration (Perceived) unattractive business cases, lack of funding, also risk aversion and lack of technological knowledge in financial institutes, projects too small Structural geographical inertia in cities while windows of opportunity unknown
Multi-stakeholder decision making: PICO Dutch TopsectorKennis&Innovatie Energie: EnerGO Partners: Alliander, Ecofys, ESRI, Geodan, NRG 031, TNO Aim: raising awareness, realising sustainable energy districts by supporting multi-stakeholder decision & policy making, and providing insight into the spatial integration of sustainable energy measures, in terms of energy (reliable), CO2 (sustainable) and costs/benefits (affordable) How: “PICO Tools”, interactive process, stakeholder support, (web-based) open data- & model platform, multi-touch table City
Quadruple helix: Acceleration010 and CHV Deep renovation of 10.000 houses in 10 years Involvement of construction industry, housing associations, citizens and local businesses, bank, research Highlights: Climate Guarantee Fund, development collaboration models developed by Boer and Kroon, development business models by Rebel Group, one-stop shop for energy consultation for home owners, dedicated advice by energy coaches, sustainability ambassadors from ethnic groups, Concept House Village (CHV)
Preparation of strategies: Ecodistr-ICT (FP7) Antwerp, Warsaw, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Valencia + VITO, TNO, CSTB, VABI (NL) Vabi Software, Strusoft, White Arkitekter, Sigma Orionis, Omgeving, Bipolaire Arquitectos, Arup Support sustainable renewal of urban districts by developing an open-source integrated decision support tool that facilitates decision-making for renewal and retroffiting program and optimizes energy-and cost-efficiency, for engineers, city planners, architects and housing corporations: Assist district renovation planning, by providing renovation scenarios that integrate the needs of different stakeholders: inhabitants, local authorities and business investors. Propose a coordinated approach that joins building retrofitting with district renovation. Specifically assess related costs & benefits, as well as environmental & social impacts at a district level
New thinking, new solutions What do we need then? Energy technology: more flexibility of energy systems, better storage facilities that are easier to integrate, linkage to full scale electric mobility, etc. Understanding of behaviour of multi-scale energy systems (time and space). Holistic, integrated perspective is not common, exception lighthouse projects Insight into windows of opportunity: it is all about money flows and local characteristics (morphology, systems, maintenance, inhabitants) Generic role models combining financial, technological and social knowledge: what could work in which situation? How to come to upscaling and replication through bundling of demand