Geometric Constructions
Materials Needed Compass Protractor (straight edge) Pencil Paper (white copy paper is best) Pure constructions use COMPASS and STRAIGHT EDGE only!
Copying a Segment Construction #1 Given: Segment and point not on line Measure the length with a compass Using the same length, put tip on point and arc Connect with straightedge
Copying an Angle Construction #2 Given: Angle and a ray From vertex of angle, arc through angle From endpoint of segment, same arc Measure from intersection to intersection of angle Using same measurement, from intersection on ray, draw an arc Connect the dots
Bisect an Angle Construction #3 Given: an Angle From the vertex, draw an arc From each intersection, arc Connect the dots Video of angle bisector
Perpendicular Bisector Construction #4 Perpendicular Bisector of a Segment Given: A segment From each endpoint, arc above and below the segment Connect the dots Video of segment bisector
Perpendicular from a point Construction #5 Perpendicular from a point ON the line Given: A line and point ON the line From the point, arc left and right ON the line From each intersection, arc above (or below) the line Connect the dots Video of perpendicular from a point ON line
Perpendicular from a point Construction #6 Perpendicular from a point OFF the line Given: A line and point OFF the line From the point, arc so that is hits the line twice From each intersection, arc opposite the point Connect the dots Video of perpendicular from a point OFF line
Parallel Lines Construction #7 Given: A line and point OFF the line Draw a transversal through the line At that point, copy an angle from made by transversal and original line (construction #2) Connect the dots Video of parallel lines
Square Inscribed in Circle Construction #8 Square Inscribed in Circle Use compass to construct circle Draw diameter Construct perp. bisector of diameter Connect 4 vertices with straightedge Video of inscribed square
Reg Hex Inscribed in Circle Construction #9 Reg Hex Inscribed in Circle Use compass to construct circle Measure radius of circle Make 6 congruent arcs around circle Connect 6 intersections Video of inscribed hexagon
Equilateral Traingle Inscribed in Circle Construction #10 Equilateral Traingle Inscribed in Circle Use compass to construct circle Measure radius of circle Make 6 congruent arcs around circle Connect every other intersection