“Conference in Zarahemla”


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Presentation transcript:

“Conference in Zarahemla” Mosiah 25-26 Mosiah 25 “Conference in Zarahemla” http://www.ldsdaily.com/entertainment/what-is-the-funniest-moment-from-general-conference/ Elder Hugh B. Brown testified that conferences were to inspire and prepare us for the battle!

The Power of the Scriptures Mosiah 25:5-11 The Power of the Scriptures 1. They were “struck with wonder and amazement” (v. 7). 2. They “were filled with exceedingly great joy” (v. 8). 3. They felt “sorrow” for the deaths of so many (v. 9).

4. They recognized the “goodness of God” (v. 10). 5. They felt the need to “give thanks to God” 6. The sins of others “filled [them] with pain and anguish” (v. 11).

Some things were put into place relative to consecration. The Fourth General Conference of the Church was on June 3rd, 1831 (D&C 44) Some things were put into place relative to consecration. It was held at the Isaac Morely Farm which was located about two miles outside of Kirtland. It was a three day conference like unto the conferences we use to have. About 2,000 members attended and the little building was jammed with people. The doors and windows were all opened so that people could hear the conference and participate even though they were on the outside of the building. Hymns were sung and a prayer was offered by Harvey Whitlock. Harvey Whitlock returned to his seat and then began to turn black to the human eye.

His fingernails began to grow long like a panther His fingernails began to grow long like a panther. His eyes became huge “O’s.” Hyrum saw it happening and told Joseph to look at Harvey sitting in the congregation. Hyrum then said, “That’s not of God,” Joseph bowed his head in prayer and said, “Hyrum you’re correct, Satan has entered the conference and taken possession of Harvey Whitlock.” He then turned to Lyman Wight and said, “Lyman, Satan has entered into Harvey Whitlock and I want you to cast him out” (Lyman Wight later stated how scared he was by what Joseph had asked him to do). Lyman proceeded with obedience and faith and rebuked the evil spirit.

The evil spirit came out of the body of Harvey Whitlock and went into Leman Copley. Leman was sitting on the window ledge and weighed over 300 pounds. Witnesses said that Leman was tossed across the room and did a double somersault in the air and crashed into a bench where people were sitting. The collision broke the bench into several pieces. Joseph then turned to Harvey Whitlock and told him to cast the spirit out of Leman Copley. He obeyed and the evil spirit went into John Murdock, and then Harvey Green. Finally the Prophet stepped forward and rebuked Satan and ordered him to leave the conference (Autobiography of Levi Ward Hancock, typescript, 33-34, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah). Zebedee Coltrin said that when Satan left the building he went through the opening of the doorway which was jammed with people and cut a swath ten feet wide. People were knocked to the ground as he left in his furor and hate.

After the Brethren settled everyone down, Joseph said it was the beginning of the fulfillment of the words of Paul. “The man of sin would be revealed to the Church.” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) Now the Saints saw Satan for who he was! At the same conference Joseph was transfigured before the congregation and Lyman Wight and Harvey Whitlock were ordained as the first High Priests in this dispensation. Joseph F. Smith once said that the reason God doesn’t give people visions and spiritual experiences of that kind is because the people are not mature enough to handle it.

Mosiah 26 Theme: “Don’t ever forget who’s Church this is!” The story was told of a debate Jedediah M. Grant had on his mission in the early days of the Church. “Elder Grant was challenged by a very eminent (famous) Baptist preacher, named Baldwin, to a discussion. Brother Grant consented. The place chosen was the fine, large Church of his proud and imperious antagonist (lordly opponent). Mr. Baldwin was described to me, as a man, overbearing in his manner–a regular browbeater. When the time came for the discussion the house was densely crowded. Umpires were chosen, and everything was ready to proceed. Brother Grant arose and said, “Mr. Baldwin, I would like to ask you a question before we proceed any farther. ‘Certainly so said Baldwin.

‘Who stands at the head of your Church in South-west Virginia?’ Mr. Baldwin very quickly and austerely (solemnly) replied, ‘I do, sir, I do’ ‘All right, said Brother Grant; ‘I wish to know that I had a worthy foe.’ Mr. Baldwin looked a little confused for a moment, and then said, “Mr. Grant, I would like to ask you, who stands at the head of your Church in South-west Virginia?’ Brother Grant arose and with bowed head replied, ‘Jesus Christ sir.’ The shock was electrical. This inspired answer completely disarmed the proud foe, and the humble servant of God came off victor (Andrew Jenson, The Latter-day Saints Biographical Encyclopedia).

Church Discipline Mosiah 26:3-4 We learn the manner in which priesthood leaders must admonish those who commit serious sin and help them through the repentance process. Mosiah 26:3-4 “The results of Unbelief and Hardness!” Mosiah 26:12-13, 29, 33, 36 Alma was given authority to make judgments for the Church.

Three reasons why Church Leaders take action against reports of sin: 1. Preserve the good name of the Church. 2. Help the sinner repent so that they can continue to progress. 3. Restore blessings.

Alma 26:13 For he feared that he would do wrong in the sight of God And I continued and said, no man is capable of judging a matter, in council, unless his own heart is pure; and that we are frequently so filled with prejudice, or have a beam in our own eye, that we are not capable of passing right decisions.

But to return to the subject of order; in ancient days councils were conducted with such strict propriety, that no one was allowed to whisper, be weary, leave the room, or get uneasy in the least, until the voice of the Lord, by revelation, or the voice of the council by the Spirit, was obtained, which has not been observed in this Church to the present time. It was understood in ancient days, that if one man could stay in council, another could; and if the president could spend his time, the members could also; but in our councils, generally, one will be uneasy, another asleep; one praying, another not; one’s mind on the business of the council, and another thinking on something else. Ask yourselves, brethren, how much you have exercised yourselves in prayer since you heard of this council (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 2, 26).

Church Discipline “The Lord is on your side and you must remember that numerous people are saved by excommunication. They are not lost by excommunication. They are saved by excommunication” (Spencer W. Kimball, Teachings, 98). (Mosiah 26:32, 36). I believe that in His justice and mercy He will give us the maximum reward for our acts, give us all that he can give, and in the reverse, I believe that He will impose upon us the minimum penalty which it is possible for Him to impose” (J. Reuben Clark Jr., Conference Report, Oct. 1953, 84). (Mosiah 26:30)

Which sins should be confessed to the Lord and which to the Bishop?

“We are to confess all of our sins unto the Lord “We are to confess all of our sins unto the Lord. For transgressions which are wholly personal, affecting none but ourselves, and the Lord, such confession would seem to be sufficient. “For misconduct which offends another, confession should also be made to the offended one, and his forgiveness sought. “Finally, where one’s transgressions are such a nature as would, un-repented of, put in jeopardy his right to membership or fellowship (serious sins) in the Church of Jesus Christ, full and effective confession would…require confession by the repentant sinner to his Bishop” (Marion G. Romney, Conference Report, Oct. 1975, 125). (Mosiah 26:29).

The Constitution of the High Council Joseph Smith declared that Church councils or courts were to be conducted according to an ancient pattern which had been “shown to him in vision.” “Jerusalem was the seat of the Church Council in ancient days,” said the Prophet,” the apostle Peter was the president of the Council and held the keys of the Kingdom of God on earth.” To clarify the matter of guilt, the Prophet added, It was not the order of heaven in ancient councils to plead for and against the guilty as in our judicial courts (so called) but that every counselor should attempt to screen the guilty when his guilt was manifest (Kirtland Council Minute Book, 30).

The Constitution of the High Council If the member in question holds the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Stake President must determine whether the Bishopric or the Stake Presidency will proceed with the disciplinary council. In general, the Bishopric will proceed.

Grounds for Church Discipline 1. Deliberate disobedience to the rule of the Church. 2. Moral transgressions: a. Murder f. Child molestation b. Adultery g. Plural marriage c. Fornication h. Embezzling of Church d. Homosexuality funds e. Incest i. Cruelty to spouse or children

Not Grounds 1. Going Inactive 2. Joining another Church 3. Requesting your name be removed from the records of the Church 4. Breaking the Word of Wisdom

Types of Disciplinary Councils 1. Bishops 2. High Council (D&C 102) 3. First Presidency 4. Twelve Apostles

1. No action Types of Decisions 2. Formal Probation 3. Dis-fellowshipped 4. Excommunication

“Thou Shalt Have Eternal Life” Mosiah 26:20 “Thou Shalt Have Eternal Life” Joseph Smith said, “After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost, (by the laying on of hands),…then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints, as is recorded in the testimony of St. John” (History of the Church, 3:380).