Author(s) and Mentor(s) Class, Dept, College, Town, State, Zip School Logo Title (93, bold) Author(s) and Mentor(s) Class, Dept, College, Town, State, Zip 72, bold Optional School Logo or picture Abstract, 72 bold, 14.5 inch wide text box, 3-4 sentences only Text 32 Results (Population Chart etc), 72, bold, 14.5 inch wide text box, all graphs and figures go here Text 32 Model Development, 72, bold, 14.5 inch wide text box, all graphs and figures go here Text 32 History, 72, bold, 14.5 inch wide text box Text 32 Life Cycle, 72, bold, 14.5 inch wide text box Text 32 Conclusions/Outlook, 72, bold, 14.5 inch wide text box Text 32 References, 60, bold, be sure to reference pictures, methods Text 24 Acknowledgements, 60, bold include personnel, funding Text 24 (Reference for this information ‘SC-Life Presentation Series: How to Create a Poster for a Professional Meeting’, Stocks and Zimmerman, 2005.