Chapter 18: Planning Your Travel Start working on the 8 questions on page 381 Get your Study Hall Form Turned In TODAY! Final Friday Chapters 10 – 18 Note Books Due Monday 9/12! …
Chapter 18: Planning Your Travel Objectives; Local Travel Long Distance Travel Special Vehicles and Trailers
Planning Your Travel Short Trips A short trip can be as simple as driving to the neighborhood store or driving to the other side of town Is the Trip Needed? Could you use public transportation? Do I Have Enough Time? Allow time Listen to weather and traffic reports Choose the best travel times
Long Distance Travel Map Reading Your first and most important trip planning tool is a current map How to Find a Town Most maps have an index listing and the coordinates of places on the map Calculating Distance Map Scale Mileage chart Adding distances between towns
Map Reading
Google Maps
State highways typically have a highway marker that's a number within a white circle or oval. These roads are usually two lanes (sometimes switching to four lanes in more urban areas), so they're not always the fastest routes for long distances.
Federal highways have a shield-shaped marker surrounding the highway number.
Finally, there's the interstate highway system, four- to eight-laned behemoths that criss-cross and link up the country. These are probably your fastest choice for longer distances,
What is scale? The scale of a map shows how much you would have to enlarge your map to get the actual size of the piece of land you are looking at.
Long Distance Travel Advanced Preparation Route Planning How many miles do you want to travel each day? Local Roads or Interstates? Construction areas and rush hour traffic? Where do you want to stay? Checking your vehicle Brakes Exhaust Steering Engine
Long Distance Travel Special Equipment Emergency Equipment Cell Phone Oil, Antifreeze, Windshield Washer Fluid First Aid Kit Flashlight Jumper cables Spare Fuses Basic Tools Flares or Reflectors
Long Distance Travel Special Equipment Winter Gear Blankets, Warm Clothing, Gloves Sleeping Bag Tire Chains High Energy Food – Granola Bars, Nuts Window Scraper Shovel Tow Line Sand for traction
Long Distance Travel Special Equipment Personal Preparation Coins for toll road Maps and travel guide Spare set of keys Necessary medication Emergency numbers (auto club) Travelers checks, Credit cards
Long Distance Travel Vehicle Load If you travel with a full load, follow these steps Use highest tire pressure Load the heaviest items on the bottom forward part of trunk Keep loose items in the trunk of your car
Observing Tire Load Ratings Helps Extend Tire Life You're loading your vehicle for a long summer road trip. With each bag and person added, your vehicle gets heavier. Have you given any thought to how all of this weight affects the safety and performance of your tires? A vehicle's load can be found on the placard inside its door and also in its owner's manual.
Long Distance Travel Enjoying Your Travel Share navigation and driving duties Stay alert Drive only during hours you are normally awake Take regular breaks Keep fresh air circulating in the vehicle Drive with the headlights on at all times If your eyes are heavy and concentration not good it is time to stop
Long Distance Travel Rental Vehicles Orient yourself to the vehicle before you drive out Don’t stop if you are bumped by another vehicle, Drive to nearest well lit service area and ask for police assistance Know rental companies toll free phone number Store all valuables out of sight Park in only well lit areas
Special Vehicles Large Vehicles Be alert for these special performance aspects Seeing Backing Maneuvering Size Following Distance Fatigue
Special Vehicles Trailers When pulling a trailer you can count on: Doubling the time and space you need to accelerate, slow, and turn Cutting your fuel economy almost in half