Mrs. Miller & Mrs. DeCarlo Kindergarten “Meet the Teacher Night” Mrs. Miller & Mrs. DeCarlo
Mrs. Miller Teaching Background B.S. in Elementary Education from Appalachian State University. B.A in Early Childhood Education from Coastal Carolina and University of Phoenix. Presently enrolled in a Master’s program in Teaching & Learning with a concentration in Literacy from Coastal Carolina. This is my 12th year as a classroom teacher and in education for 25 years. This is my 4th year in Kindergarten.
Mrs. DeCarlo Teaching Background This is my 12th year at Lakewood Elementary School. I have worked in Special Education, Child Development, and Kindergarten. I moved to Myrtle Beach from Bridgepoint, CT fifteen years ago.
Fall Conferences Fall conferences will be in October. We will contact you in about a month! We will discuss your child’s overall progress. We encourage you to leave children at home during this conference time, if at all possible.
Kindergarten Alphabet Song A,B,C,D,E,F,G – (clap on G) H,I,J,K,L,M,N –(clap on N) O,P,Q – (clap on Q) R,S,T –(clap on T) U,V,W –(clap on W) X,Y, Z –(clap on Z) Now I know I won’t forget How to sing my alphabet! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
Children Who Read Early Have 3 Things in Common Someone reads to them. They read and share real books. The books were read over and over again.
How will your child be assessed? 1. Formal Assessments Imagine It! Benchmark (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment in Literacy) DIBELS (Measures literacy skills) Report Cards 2. Informal Assessments Observations Checklists Written work
DIBELS (Literacy Assessment) Assessed in September, January and May 4 parts to the test… 1. Letter Naming- How many mixed up capital & lowercase alphabet letters can your child name in 1 minute? 2. Initial Sound Fluency- What is the beginning sound of the picture? Or which picture begins with a specific sound? This test is timed; speed and accuracy count. 3. Phonemic Segmentation- How many ‘sounds’ can your child separate in words in 1 minute? (Ex. /c/ /a/ /t/) 4. Nonsense Words- What sounds do these letters make and can you blend them into a word in 1 minute? (Ex. biv) This test is given one-on-one.
Report Cards Reporting Periods: November, January, March, June Please return the envelope and sign the card. You can keep the report at home. Report Cards are Based on the South Carolina State Standards Your child will be assessed in Reading, Math, Writing, Work Habits, Art, Music & Physical Education. Your child will be given: + - mastery, * - developing, NI-Needs Improvement
Your child will interact with a variety of materials to learn the State Standards !!!!
Language Arts Materials “Imagine It!” (Our curriculum) Pre-decodable Books Reading/Writing Workbook Variety of trade books Various reading and writing experiences Word study activities
Math Materials “Everyday Math” (Curriculum we teach) Hands-on activities Math games Math literature Calendar & counting routines
Social Studies and Science Materials Discussions Exploration; Science kits Literature Integrated activities Experiments
Please remind your child to be... Respectful and Responsible
Classroom Management: We use 1-2-3 Magic to help student remember classroom expectations. Your child will be given several gentle reminders before they are given a consequence. We use a time-out chair if your child needs to have “think time” to make better choices. Children will take home a yellow daily folder with student’s work, a behavior chart, notes from our class, the kindergarten team and/or Lakewood School. Please initial the behavior chart, sign any forms, and read informational material. Discipline forms will be sent home if your child has any behavioral concerns that need to be addressed at home.
Thanks for participating! Lakewood Elementary 650-6768 Mr. LaPier, Principal Our Email: If you have any questions throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact us via phone, email or note, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.