Date and event name can go here The GNOME Foundation The material in this deck is sourced from the GNOME Foundation Web site: Scott Ainslie Date and event name can go here
Overview 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Neutral, independent body Supports GNOME project The GNOME Foundation was started in August 2000 to provide a vendor-neutral organization to handle administrative tasks and to represent the GNOME community to press and companies interested in GNOME. It is the legal owner of the GNOME trademarks, including the term “GNOME” and of the “GNOME Foot” logo.
Charter Coordinate GNOME releases and components Communicate with press and public Manage resources Mission Statement: The GNOME Foundation will work to further the goal of the GNOME project: to create a computing platform for use by the general public that is completely free software. To achieve this goal, the Foundation coordinates releases of GNOME and determines which projects are part of GNOME. It provides a means of communication with the press and with commercial and noncommercial organizations interested in GNOME software. It also sponsors GNOME-related technical conferences, and represents GNOME at relevant conferences sponsored by others.
Structure Board of Directors Advisory Board Membership The GNOME Foundation is divided into three bodies: the Membership, the Board of Directors, and the Advisory Board. These bodies are explained in the following slides.
Board of Directors Primary decision-making body Elected annually by majority vote 7 members The Board of Directors is the main decision-making body. It acts in the best interest of the GNOME project, and is responsible for ratifying all decisions the GNOME Foundation makes. The Board of Directors meets every other week with a phone conference to discuss various topics pertaining to the regular activities of the GNOME Foundation and GNOME. The Board of Directors is led by the Executive Director, Stormy Peters.
Advisory Board Offers assistance and guidance to Board Includes some of the biggest names in IT The Advisory Board is made up of companies and organizations which have a desire to participate in advising the foundation about releases and other decisions. It has no decision-making powers. The GNOME Foundation and Advisory Board members often work together to promote GNOME, and members are expected to work with the GNOME Foundation to promote GNOME when opportunities arise. Advisory Board members make financial donations, pay the salaries of GNOME developers and support GNOME events.
Membership GNOME contributors Renewed every 2 years Members can Run for election Vote Call for referendums The Membership is made up of people who have made a contribution to any module which is part of GNOME. The Membership is open to all people who want to be a member and who have made any kind of contribution to any part of the GNOME project, with no membership fee. The membership has two responsibilities: electing the Board of Directors, and issuing popular referenda on any issue under the jurisdiction of the foundation, at any time. Membership is free and valid for two years. Any GNOME contributor can apply to become a member through an online application process.
Friends of GNOME Individual donation program Donations support the GNOME project The Friends of GNOME is an individual donation program. For example, you can “adopt a hacker” for $10 USD/month, or become a “Sponsor” or “Philanthropist” by making a larger donation. GNOME donations are used for: A11y programs Usability studies Local conferences Hackfests Your donation will ensure that GNOME continues to be a free and open source desktop by providing resources to developers, software and education for end users, and promotion for GNOME.
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