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Can you name any other Prophets? Today our lesson comes from the book of Ezekiel Chapter 34 – Ezekiel was a prophet – you will find this book in the Old Testament. Whats a Prophet? Can you name any other Prophets? Can you work out what a Prophets job would be?
When we looked at Psalm 139 we found out that God knows what’s in our hearts. What does it mean to be a Christian? This story pictures God as a good shepherd. What does a good shepherd do?
It pictures Christians as sheep who need a good shepherd to look after them. Do you need looking after? God will look carefully to see who is a real Christian and who is just pretending.
There is a saying – to separate the sheep from the goats. Can you work out what that means?
So God knows us well enough to see if we are good, or fake or just pretending. He promises to look after those who he sees are real Christians. If you were God what would you look for to tell if someone is true or fake?
I am sure you have heard of the last person mentioned in our story today. God promises the people he will send a special person to be their Leader. Someone who works as a shepherd. I wonder what his name is? Did I hear you say David? Well done.