Lesson 40. Using the magazines you have brought along, choose any 2 advertisements: Answer the following questions for the two advertisements you have chosen 1. What is the product being sold by the ad? 2. Who is the target audience for this ad? (Include age range, culture, gender, race, socio-economic level.) 3. What underlying message or value is being sold by the ad? Is it obvious or subliminal? 4. Do you agree/disagree with this message? 5. Is this a positive or negative portrayal of how people should relate?
Advertising in News Papers Product or Service / being sold Target market / group product is intended for Slogan / Trade Mark / Brand names Positive message / Negative message Purpose to sell goods or services Create need / want for product or service Capitalist Society / Extremely Rich and extremely poor.
Advertising Purpose – sell product Create a particular mind set with the consumer Image that is formed is based on expectation rather than reality Slogan / Trade Mark / Brand names Positive message / Negative Success, beauty, strong, good etc has a certain look If you do not have that image you not successful