DCMA Update Mr. Charlie Sullivan Combat Support Center DRAFT 6/25/2018 DCMA Update Presented By: Mr. Charlie Sullivan Combat Support Center Plans, Readiness and Training Team
JTS Implementation Phase 1 - Requirements AMETL Phase 3 - Execution JTS Program assigned to Combat Support Center Phase 1 - Requirements AMETL Includes HQ Directorates and Combat Support Center Adding Product Divisions Phase 3 - Execution Exercises In initial stage of development Phase 2 - Plans JTS Training Plan (ATP) Does not include exercise schedule Phase 4 - Assessment Training assessments Requires development Lessons Learned
AMETL Mission Day to Day Support 95% Warfighter Support 5% DRAFT 6/25/2018 AMETL Day to Day Support 95% Warfighter Support 5% Mission Provide Contract Administration Services AMET 1 Provide Acquisition Life Cycle Support AMET 2 Provide Contingency Contract Administration Services MET Provide Contract Administration Services Provide Industrial Base Capability Analysis Provide Initial Response Capability Provide CCAS Support Provide Contract Management Liaison Supporting Task Supporting Task Provide For Personnel Support Acquire, Manage, and Distribute Funds Provide For Personnel Support Acquire, Manage, and Distribute Funds Subordinate Task
AMETL “Deep Dive” Revision CSART Finding DRAFT 6/25/2018 AMETL “Deep Dive” Revision Director’s guidance and vision Agency re-organization Three levels CSART Finding AMETL requires further decomposition and refinement to better assess Agency responsiveness and readiness to the combatant commands and Services
Agency Training Plan Publish Director’s Training Guidance now DRAFT 6/25/2018 Agency Training Plan Publish Director’s Training Guidance now Publish updated training plan in Jul 2010
Exercises JFCOM PACOM CENTCOM Key Resolve/Foal Eagle Cobra Gold DRAFT 6/25/2018 Exercises PACOM Key Resolve/Foal Eagle Cobra Gold Keen Edge Ulchi Freedom Guardian Talisman Saber Terminal Fury CENTCOM Internal Look JFCOM OEF/OIF CPX/MRX Unified Endeavor
Exercises NORTHCOM SOUTHCOM EUCOM Ardent Century PANAMAX DRAFT 6/25/2018 Exercises NORTHCOM Ardent Century SOUTHCOM PANAMAX EUCOM Austere Challenge 7 7
Assessment GREEN for readiness assessment RED for training assessment DRAFT 6/25/2018 Assessment GREEN for readiness assessment DRRS compliant Monthly briefs to DCMA Director/Chief of Staff RED for training assessment Not there yet for monthly TPAs Working to achieve objective training evaluations
Summary Agency leadership on board with JTS implementation DRAFT 6/25/2018 Summary Agency leadership on board with JTS implementation Director Chief of Staff Revised AMETL will contain better measurement metrics for readiness and training Will use LNOs as planners and to assist in command-linking tasks to combatant commands