Infancy Narratives
Pre-Nativity Old Testament Prophecies From the root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1-5) Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) Perform many miracles (Is 35:5-6) Gentiles will believe while Jews will reject (Psalm 118:22) Prepared by a voice in the wilderness (Is 40:3)
Pre-Nativity John the Baptist Son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary’s kinswoman Born 6 months before Jesus Beheaded by Herod Antipas Pre-cursor of Jesus Last Prophet Jumped in the womb when Mary visited Elizabeth
Annunciation Luke 1:26-38 Archangel Gabriel announces to Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah Says Mary is “full of grace.”
Visitation Luke 1:39-56 Mary visits Elizabeth after the Annunciation John leaps in the womb Mary responds with the MAGNIFICAT
MAGNIFICAT English (The Divine Office): My soul glorifies the Lord, * my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour. He looks on his servant in her lowliness; * henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty works marvels for me. * Holy his name! His mercy is from age to age, * on those who fear him. He puts forth his arm in strength * and scatters the proud-hearted. He casts the mighty from their thrones * and raises the lowly. He fills the starving with good things, * sends the rich away empty. He protects Israel, his servant, * remembering his mercy, the mercy promised to our fathers, * to Abraham and his sons for ever.
Joseph Could have divorced Mary Visited by Gabriel at night Advised to keep Mary as his wife Known by the people as the father of Jesus
Nativity Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem The home of Joseph’s family Census ordered by Rome Mary would have walked There was no donkey Joseph had relatives in Bethlehem Jesus would have been born in a home Inn could also be Upper room or Guest room
Nativity Mary was helped by female relatives Joseph not present at the birth Would not know what to do Jesus was wrapped and laid in a manger Small trough for feeding animals Usually filled with straw
Epiphany Wise men visit Jesus Came from the east, possibly Persia Unknown number Three gifts identified Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh Astrologers not kings Followed a star Portent of birth of great king
Flight to Egypt Wisemen told not to report back to Herod the Great Joseph warned that Jesus was in danger Holy Family lives in Egypt for a few years Herod has all boys 2 years or younger killed Holy Innocents