World Cultures Mrs. Rosen Room 408 281-641-4200 Mr. Stephens Room 404 281-641-4200 Mr. Stephens Room 404 281-641-4200 Mrs. Rosen Room 408 281-641-4200
What will your child learn about ?
Topics of Study Map and Geography Skills Geography, Culture, History, Government and Economic Systems of selected Societies of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, South America, and North America
Social Studies Skills Creating, Reading, and Analyzing Maps, Charts and Graphs Vocabulary and Note Taking Organization and Study Techniques Research and Writing
Supplies Needed Paper Pencils & Sharpener Colored Pencils Binder with a Cultures divider. There will be important papers we ask students to keep the entire year. Please do not throw away. They will be on colored paper or have an identifiable label. Paper Pencils & Sharpener Colored Pencils
Procedures If you miss class, check my website or your planner for the assignment. TUTORING: Monday 7:45- 8:20 a.m, 4:00- 4:30 p.m. If coming to tutoring, your child must know what they will be working on or correcting.
Textbooks McGraw-Hill Connect Ed App -Username: hisd+Student ID -password: Novell password **this info is on the schedule** Students may check out a textbook to take home. $75 if lost
Grades!! Pre-AP/ OL: Summative- Test 60% (at least 3 per 9 Weeks) Formative- Daily Work 40% (2 per week) Students will not be allowed to do extra credit to inflate or replace a grade.
Late Work Policy KMS will count 10 points off the first day late KMS will count 10 points off the second day late If not received after the end of the three week grading period a 0 will be recorded with no further chance to make-up. **This information is wrong in the planner/brochure. Please correct for your information.
Correction Policies Fall & Spring Semesters Formative Assessments A maximum of 6 grades below a 75 can be corrected to a maximum of 75 (per nine weeks). Summative Assessments A maximum of 3 grades below a 75 can be corrected to a maximum of 75 (per nine weeks).
All corrections have to be done in tutorials on Mondays
How to see your child’s grades
To personalize your own email alert you receive for grades, class assignments, and course grades, please go to the KMS website under “Homework Center Gradebook Alerts” or click here to go directly to the link.
Trouble accessing e-school? Call KMS front office- (281) 641- 4200
Technology in the classroom Have to fill out agreement form Has to be curriculum based Bring at your own risk
Pages that will be helpful Test Quizzes Pages that will be helpful
World Cultures 6th Grade-On-Level Reminder 101 Sign Up World Cultures 6th Grade-On-Level @adb551
World Cultures 6th Grade Pre-AP Reminder 101 Sign Up World Cultures 6th Grade Pre-AP
Color Printers Ignite Learning Donor’s Choose – Please check out my classroom grant page. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.