LiveMeeting: Should I upgrade to SCOM 2012 Dieter Wijckmans
About me Dieter Wijckmans Member of SCUG Belgium ( System Center Technical consultant for Inovativ Belgium Focus on System Center Operations Manager and System Center Service Manager Mail: Twitter: @DieterWijckmans
Motto Don’t overthink… It’s doing common things uncommonly well that brings success.
Topics What to expect from this LiveMeeting Scope What to expect from this LiveMeeting Stage 1: Comparison Compare the 2 versions to make sure you make the right choice What’s new in Opsmgr that justifies upgrading for me? What about all work done in management packs Stage 2: Action Make decision and start the action Upgrade plan Stage 3: Evaluate Post upgrade Tasks
Intro: A couple of 1 million dollar questions Should I risk my work done in SCOM2007? Are there any risks involved? How can I convince the management? Feedback + questions: Twitter: #scugbe
Giving you the ammo to be ready for your decision Scope Giving you the ammo to be ready for your decision Make the correct choice for your environment Understand your upgrade options
Stage 1: Comparison of both versions. Should I choose the penny or the million? Stage 1: Comparison of both versions.
Topology: OpsMgr 2007 vs OpsMgr 2012 OpsMgr 2007 R2 Platform OpsMgr 2012 Platform Parent child topology with the RMS as the parent and all other mgmt servers as children A simpler peer to peer topology
Topology: The Achilles heel of Opsmgr 2007 = RMS Root Management Server Provides the following services Console access Role based access control Distribution of configurations to agents Connectors to other mgmt systems Alert notifications Health aggregation Group Calculations Availability Dependency Monitor DB Grooming Enables model based mgmt Introduces the following customer challenges Performance and scalability bottleneck Single point of failure (for RMS workloads) High availability requires clustering
Topology: High Availability options in Opsmgr 2007 for RMS Clustering Promotion Solves single-point of failure Complex to setup Difficult to patch \ upgrade Provides flexibility DR recovery Requires manual steps
Topology: Single point of failure addressed Challenges Addressed Out of the box HA Easy to scale out Operational Database Data Warehouse Dependency Monitors Availability Notification Group Calculation X Resource Pool
Topology: Resource Pools Operational Database Data Warehouse X Managed by a single HS Managed by Pool
Topology: Key improvements in Opsmgr 2012 Increases Scale and Simplicity Out of the Box High Availability Easy Deployment and Upgrade Experience
What’s new worth mentioning? Network Monitoring 1 Application Performance Monitoring 2 Dashboards 3 Topology Simplification 4 Existing R2 features will be carried forward
NETWORK DEVICE MONITORING Out of the box discovery, monitoring, and reporting Multi-vendor support: Over 80 vendors-2000+ devices certified Memory utilization, processor utilization, port traffic volume, port error analysis & port packet analysis Server to network dependency discovery
APPLICATION MONITORING Rich synthetic transactions Performance & reliability monitoring of the application through the .NET framework Rich diagnostics to pinpoint the root cause of application failures No new agents to deploy, no management packs to author Dashboards in web or SharePoint Integration with TFS to reduce mean time to fix
New IT Pro dashboard creation using Widgets DASHBOARDS New IT Pro dashboard creation using Widgets Management Group health dashboard for agent and infrastructure health SharePoint and Visio integration Created using a Dashboard Template option
TOPOLOGY SIMPLIFICATION RMS Removal and federation of configuration service Add or remove management servers easily with Resource Pools RMS emulator role to ensure backwards compatibility Full support for the Operations Manager 2007 MPs
Management packs Opsmgr 2007 vs Opsmgr 2012 Management packs are compatible between the 2 versions. New version of management packs which use new features will be launched shortly. Upgrade is good opportunity to check your management packs.
Management packs: Review action plan. Define the stakeholders per service / management pack Pay special attention to the enabled and disabled by default section Any additional install steps necessary? Read the management pack guide Kb’s Blogs Technet Check best practices online
Tackle the final question… Stage 2: Action.
Am I ready to upgrade? Rate your score. Phase Yes No Do you know whether your environment is up to spec? 2 Are you backing up your environment? 3 Are you backing up your unsealed MP’s? Performed health check of your environment? Did you document your installation? 1 Total on 10
Rules of engagement Read documentation Make implementation plan Prepare and check list for stakeholders Implement installation procedure and config Check management pack Check alerts + discoveries Set up notifications
Implementation plan Check your environment for prerequisites Define the steps to upgrade Backup your environment Get a upgrade window Make assessment of the risks
Things to backup in OpsMgr OpsMgr Database and Data Warehouse Overrides and unsealed Management Packs Backup RMS Encryption keys More info here: Scug blog: How to backup Opsmgr
Prerequisite Software 1 Windows Server 2008 R2 Operating System: SQL Server 2008 R2 on X64 technology All features need same version of SQL SQL Collation type: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS SQL Server Agent Service set to automatic SQL Full Text search SQL:
Prerequisite Software 2 Other: Windows PowerShell version 2.0 Windows Remote Management enabled Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) version 6.0 Authorization Manager hotfix Both .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 4 are required. For more information, see the following.
Prerequisite Hardware Hardware Supported Role Management Server Web Console Management Console CPU 2.8 GHz or faster Memory At least 2Gb RAM Operating System Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Disk Space Minimum 1024 free disk space
Respect the upgrade path OM 2007 OM 2007 SP1 OM 2007 R2 (CU4+) OM 2012 Beta OM 2012 RC OM 2012 RTM
Determine structure of your environment Supported Configuration Unsupported Configuration Single Server MG Distributed MG All roles on 1 server HW + SW up to spec Roles on +1 servers No additional servers are required for the upgrade Single Server MG Distributed MG All roles on 1 server HW + SW not meeting spec Roles on +1 servers HW or SW not meeting spec At least one additional server is required for the upgrade
Process flow Diagram Process flow diagram Step by step guide for your process
Upgrade manual installed agents prior to upgrade SCOM. Things to keep in mind Clustered RMS! Upgrade manual installed agents prior to upgrade SCOM. No support for Windows Server 2000 Final check your backups
Install the Upgrade Helper management pack Install the management pack from the OpsMgr 2012 installation media. Import it in your existing OpsMgr 2007 environment. Management pack will give you an overview of versions + different steps to complete.
Upgrade helper management pack DEMO Upgrade helper management pack
Stage 3: Post Upgrade tasks Do I have a working SCOM 2012 after the migration? Stage 3: Post Upgrade tasks
Health Check after upgrade Review logs Event Flow Event Logs State of Management Servers State of Clients
Links Scug blog: Technet info on upgrading:
Thanks for attending Feedback: Twitter #scugbe Mail: Twitter: @DieterWijckmans