WHAT is it? Samr is a framework for discussing and integrating a variety of technology Samr is a guide to aid in planning for technology integration Samr aligns with bloom’s taxonomy
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Samr and edline Where would you place the following on the SAMR continuum? Calendar/news Discussion Homework hand in Quiz Hand out Blog
Iste for teachers 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity 4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments 5. Engage in professional growth and leadership 3. Model digital age work and learning
Samr and iste for teachers 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity— the m and the r of samr provide for this 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments—all levels of samr 3. Model digital age work and learning—all levels of samr
Iste for students 1. Creativity and innovation 4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making 2. Communication and collaboration 5. Digital citizenship 3. Research and information fluency 6. Technology operations and concepts
Samr and iste for students 1. Creativity and innovation—all levels of SAMR 2. Communication and collaboration—all levels of SAMR 3. Research and information fluency—all levels of SAMR 4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making— the m and the r levels of samr 5. Digital citizenship—not applicable 6. Technology operations and concepts—the s and the a level of samr
Iste for coaches 1. Visionary leadership 2. Teaching, learning, and assessments 3. Digital age learning environments 4. Professional development and program evaluation 5. Digital citizenship 6. Content knowledge and professional growth
Samr and iste for coaches 1. Visionary leadership—all levels of samr 2. Teaching, learning, and assessments—all levels of samr 3. Digital age learning environments—all levels of samr, especially s and A 4. Professional development and program evaluation—not applicable 5. Digital citizenship—not applicable 6. Content knowledge and professional growth—sort of samr