Rationale for DMG New Platform DMG Confidential
Problem Development and maintenance Huge demand for DMG services plus focus on short-term benefits led to shortcuts in code development More time is now spent on maintenance and support activities than developing new features Current technology stack and code base does not support agile development Aging code base and technology stack is not adequate to meet current and future demands Move Development and maintenance and code base (merge with tech debt) to slide 1 DMG Confidential
Problem (cont.) DMG’s technical debt New features take longer to develop Testing takes longer Software deployments take longer System has become less stable Extremely difficult to troubleshoot issues Code base is “brittle” New developers take longer to ramp up Not an attractive job for developers EAGL is 6 years old, ACORN is 7 years old, cineSHARE+ is 8 years old DMG Confidential
Creating the Agile Virtuous Cycle Technical agility creates a virtuous cycle of ever higher quality code and automated tests Provides tighter feedback loops Improves schedules Reduces costs DMG Confidential
Impact of Technical Debt Cost of Change (CoC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Customer Responsiveness Actual CoC Technical Debt Optimal CoC Years Product Release Once on far right of curve, all choices are hard If nothing is done, it just gets worse In applications with high technical debt, estimating is nearly impossible Only 3 strategies Do nothing, it gets worse Incremental refactoring or Strangler Vine (only works if system is stable) Replace, high cost/risk DMG Confidential
Agility = no “stabilization” necessary 6 Plan Develop Agile project with complete, integrated, automated “done”: Plan Develop Stabilize Agile project with incomplete or variable “done”: Undone Undone Undone DMG Confidential
Total Quality enables Agility + Value Extrinsic Quality Quality Intrinsic Quality Total Quality DMG Confidential
Intrinsic Quality Leading edge enterprises employ technologies that can approach 99% cumulative defect removal rates. The norm for US firms is a cumulative defect removal rate of 75%. A cumulative defect removal rate of 95% on a project appears to be a nodal point where several other benefits accrue. For projects of similar size and type, these projects: have the shortest schedules. have the lowest quantity of effort in terms of person-months have the highest levels of user satisfaction after release —Capers Jones, Applied Software Measurement (1991) DMG Confidential
Reaching the Nodal Point of Intrinsic Quality Companies that depend purely upon testing for defect removal almost never top 90% in cumulative defect removal, and often are below 75%. The defect removal efficiency of TDD is higher than many forms of testing and can top 85%. However, even with TDD a phenomenon called “bad-fix injection” needs to be factored in to the equation. About 7% of attempts to fix bugs accidentally include new bugs in the fixes themselves. If TDD is combined with other approaches such as formal inspection of the test cases and static analysis of the code then defect removal efficiency can top 95%. These observations are derived from quality benchmark studies carried out by the author and his colleagues between 1984 and 2009 in several hundred companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan. - Capers Jones, “Software Engineering Best Practices”, 2009. DMG Confidential
Solution: New Platform Needed to continue DMGs mission efficiently Build a new digital media platform using modern web technologies, protocols and design practices Target cloud deployment Leverage open source/best of breed technologies Ruby on Rails, ElasticSearch, Node.js, MongoDB Benefits Timely response to customer needs Faster development Less maintenance Better API design Continuous Delivery Combine with Approach slide? DMG Confidential
Building Ruby on Rails Web Apps Rapid development Significant cost savings Collaboration Future demand and adoption DMG Confidential
ElasticSearch – Powerful Search Fast - manages thousands of requests per second and while maintaining a response time one second RESTful, highly available & fault tolerant Distributed. Replicas are near real-time too, which is called "Push replication” Supports multi-tenancy DMG Confidential
Node.js – Fast and friendly JavaScript both server-side and client-side for single page apps Support easy development of real time, streaming, and collaborative features High performance is great for mobile APIs Vibrant developer community DMG Confidential
Treemap of Programming Languages (Last Qtr 2011 vs Last Qtr 2010) DMG Confidential
Pragmatic REST is a design problem You have to get the design right, because design communicates how something will be used. The question becomes -what is the design with optimal benefit for the app developer? DMG Confidential
Continuous Delivery DMG Confidential
Benefits of New Technology Stack Faster development – less lines of code to achieve functionality Easier to maintain – Ruby and JSON Easier to ramp up new developers Better support for open source tools Better integration for external apps Better design for future demands Support for continuous integration and deployment Enhances collaboration and innovation Well-defined API strategy and design DMG Confidential
DMG-MCS Future? Can we agree on a unified services model that supports our mutual interests? DMG Confidential