Mrs. Castillo’s Fourth grade Class This week you can look forward to: Week of February 13-17 Interim reports went home Friday, please make sure to sign the envelop. If you wish to conference, indicate on the envelop and fill out the time form. Mrs. Castillo’s Fourth grade Class This week you can look forward to: Science: This week we will continue to look at the expectations of Science Fair. (4.1) Also, we will look at how a “good” question and hypothesis are worded. Math: This week students will continue to practice adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. All answers must be proper and in simplest form. (4.2/4.5) There will be a test Friday. Reading: Students will work on reverse mapping to decide the main idea and detail of a story (4.6). We will also look at word reference materials (4.4). Writing: Students will learn about prepositions and prepositional phrases, then they will start a new writing prompt. VA Studies: This week we will begin the Civil War (VS.7). We will start by looking at key people and the events leading to secession. Every night, homework will be written in the agenda and on my website. I will try every day to give students time in class to start homework. Students are expected to read 20 or more minutes every night. If you need to contact me please send an email or a note Students need to be studying for Science and Virginia Studies Tests at home. I suggest starting to study 3-4 days before a test. Reminders: Students are expected to correct any papers with a grade of a D or F Upcoming Dates: February 14: Valentine's Day card exchange February 15: P/T Conferences February 20: Make up snow day-Schools will be operating. March 3: Field Trip to Temperance