Olivet Discourse King-dom Church Age Tribulation 1st half (7a) 2nd half (7b) 75 day Interval (5) Apostles (4) Birth pangs (3) Wars and rumours of wars, and false messiahs (12) Rapture (7b) Abomination of Desolation (8) 2nd Coming (9) Regathering of Israel (14) Judgment of sheep & goats (6) Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD (4) World War (10) Take hope and courage, your redemption is drawing near (11) He is at the door, this gen. will survive! (12, 13) Be on guard! Be on the alert! Be ready! (12, 13) For you do not know when the appointed time will come! (13, 14) For a day of judgment will come!