EGMONT – Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Conflict Diamonds, the Kimberley Process as an international, multistakeholder response Weak internal controls in artisanal diamond producing countries (e.g. Ghana) threatens integrity and effectivity of the KPCS Moscow Declaration 2005, creation of WGAAP Belgian FPS FA commissioned EGMONT to study these dynamics EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Two objectives: Strengthen KPCS integrity by improving control over informal extraction and trade Improve social and economic situation of artisanal diamond diggers, miners; encourage positive role of ASM in driving rural development Cooperation with WGAAP, CASM: strenght is combination:two desired outcomes, one set of measures EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Research project Existing literature Newly commissioned field research Three phases General research Critical review of past diamond development programs Validation, conclusions EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Current status Research completed Validation workshop held in Pretoria, 15-16 Sept 08 Drafting publication Official publication at KP Plenary, New Delhi, 3 Nov 08 EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Research includes: Geological analysis of transborder mining, case study Berbérati-Yokadouma-Enyele (CAR, RCongo, Cameroun) Anthropological study on how this affects communities EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael State capacity in Africa :key governance issues, challenges, approaches: Monitoring mining and trading Formalising the sector Establishing internal controls (KP) Study on cooperatives in Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana Key factors driving coop development, organization and structure, services Lessons for African cooperative development? EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Significant wage differences between African/Latin-American diggers Why? Examination of value-chain, price mark-ups as diamonds travel their paths Specific case study on ADM in Mbuji-Mayi, attention for grass-roots initiatives Ghanaian diamond industry: PMMC, cooperation with galamsey, internal controls issues Interventions in the artisanal diamond secor PDA/IDMP, Sierra Leone D4D, Liberia EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael KP Moscow Declaration, 2005 Recommendations Ensuring traceability of production from mine to export Regulating artisanal mining Regulating the trade in artisanal mining Tackling illicit cross-border trade Encouraging artisans to move into the formal economy EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Contribution of Egmont to the KPCS and artisanal diamond mining Support to the WGAAP in implementing Moscow Recommendations Case studies of different strategies Evaluation of past interventions Lessons learned, reflecting in improved and more balanced recommendations Positive effect of KP requirements on ASM communities Formalization can lead to retaining more money inside the country, stimulating development Improves social/eco capital of mining communities, reducing vulnerability to exploitation EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael
EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael Contact: Steven Van Bockstael EGMONT - Steven Van Bockstael