Cultivate a Growth Mindset CONNECT WORKSHOPs FOR PSYCHOLOGY 1 Presented by Psi Beta Psychology Honor Society Irvine Valley College
Welcome Introductions Please make name cards Peer mentors should introduce themselves. Then pass out the 5 X 8 index cards and markers and explain how audience members should make their name plates.
Do you think an adult’s height is fixed, or grows? Thought questions Do you think an adult’s height is fixed, or grows? Adults muscles? Fixed or can they grow? How about intelligence? Fixed or can it grow? Intelligence is, of course, related to the brain. Let’s watch a video on “neuroplasticity” Ask these and call on audience members to share their thoughts.
Neuroplasticity Video Neuronal pathway demo
Prezi 3 (Juggling Experiment) We are now going to present a brief Prezi on an experiment related to brain growth.
Main point review: intelligence is not fixed Neuroplasticity = Brain Plasticity Brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity or cortical remapping, refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt from experiences. Researchers once believed that changes in the brain could only take place during infancy and childhood. By early adulthood, it was believed that the brain's physical structure was permanent and fixed! Modern research findings: The brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones in order to adapt to new experiences, learn new information and create new memories.
Setbacks and failure are part of life Video Clip
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
Mindset clip #1 Newer clip #2
People with a Growth Mindset 1) Assume that ability can be improved 2) Believe that effort is critical to success 3) Seek to acquire Mastery and Effective learning strategies 4) See challenges and setbacks as opportunities to grow and improve 5) Have a high level of internal motivation 6) Experience long term improvement and success Lead audience through this slide
Fixed versus Growth Mindset – a comparison Hand this out and quickly review it.
Growth mindset questions Handout questions about mindset (see “Learning Discussion 5”) Discuss Review the correct answers
Activity 2 – intelligent practice Number order sequencing activity
Intelligent Practice = Effort + Good Strategies + Help from Others Main point review Intelligent Practice = Effort + Good Strategies + Help from Others Note – tie this back to the 50 learning strategies listed on the Study Skills Inventory
Reflection and Discussion Have you or anyone you’ve known ever said, I am not a math person? Fill in the blank for yourself: I can’t do________ (an activity you’ve had trouble with or have been challenged by). Name one subject or activity that you do well (for example basketball, math, playing the piano, painting, cooking, car repair…)_______ Describe how you learned it. What are two things you’ve done to get better at this activity? Form into a group and share your answers to these questions..
Invitation to further your development of intelligent practices Use strategies listed on the Study Skills Inventory (SSI) Take Advantage of Resources designed to help you thrive. For example… Student Success Center in BSTIC: tutoring Upcoming CONNECT Workshops Think of it this way: Would you rather survive or thrive in college? Would you hire an accountant, doctor, dentist, lawyer who survived college or one who thrived in college?
Take away circle
Thank you for your attention and participation!!!
Additional stuff If time permits – Angela Duckwork TED talk on GRIT (6.12 minutes) If time permits – (Carol Dweck Interview ~4 minutes)