Key Stage 2 Information Evening Tuesday 26th September 2017 Welcome!
Meet The Team LKS2
Meet The Team UKS2 and HLTAs
Procedures & Expectations for KS2 Two residential trips – Year 4 and Year 6. Sleepover – Year 5. Forward thinking. Strong links with Oakwood School. Independence – KS2 planner, homework expectations and ‘being ready’. .
Procedures & Expectations for KS2 Letter in July to prepare you for September. – new Key Stage/new year. New Key Stage 2 booklet.
Procedures & Expectations for KS2 Routines (drop off / pick up) Home Learning, Reading, Mathletics and Spelling Opportunities to represent the school. Curriculum Assessment – Target Tracker.
National Curriculum Expectations Target Tracker Assessment Online tracking system Individual tracking against objectives On-going assessment throughout the year complimenting termly summative assessment Children have clear targets Parents can be easily informed of objectives covered and child’s performance relating to each objective
National Curriculum 2014 An information guide is available at…
Learning and Teaching at Langshott These 6 areas inform all learning and teaching at Langshott. In order to create a positive learning culture, we believe in involving children in their learning. It is important that children are aware of what they are learning as well as why and how. We aim to achieve this by: • Adapting learning opportunities to match the children’s needs and interests • Talking to the children about how they achieved in their learning and what they need to do next • Making sure the learning has a clear purpose and making links to real life (where appropriate) Child Centred AfL High Expectations Inclusive Engagement Challenge Relationships
Langshott Learning Powers The language of Building Learning Power is used in all classrooms, with all children, where it enables all children to talk about learning to learn. We refer to the four dispositions (4Rs) as a group of ‘learning muscles’. Just as we can build out physical muscles with the right exercise, learning muscles can also be developed and can grow in strength and stamina. It is these dispositions that we are aiming to develop in the children.
Growth Mindset "The hallmark of successful individuals is that they love learning, they seek challenges, they value effort, and they persist in the face of obstacles" Carol Dweck 2000
Handwriting and Presentation We are taking PRIDE in our LEARNING! Fab five presentation guidance for all children (also in planners).
Our Website!
Year Group Pages
Events for Parents this Term: Parent Consultation Evenings Monday 30th October 4-7.30pm Tuesday 31st October 3.30-6pm Christmas Christmas Fair – 9th December TBC Christmas performances (outdoor carol concert) w/b 18th December
Enrichment Opportunities Autumn Term Den Day Local History Week Friendship Week Christmas Making Week Christmas Panto 14th December Year groups can give more detailed information about events personal to them.
Updated rules. 4 rules to ensure that the children can remember them. Consistent across the school. We will praise children who always follow these rules. Clear sanctions for children who break these rules.
Rewards Stickers Certificates Marvellous Me message Many more… STAR points and rewards 25 sticker 50 extra playtime and a post card home 75 mufti day 100 cinema afternoon
Sanctions Warnings Time-out Reflections Letters home We always try to stay positive but there must be clear boundaries in place and sanctions for children who push the boundaries. Children have time out to reflect on behaviours with the expectations that they will not behave in the same way again. Where appropriate, parents are informed of behaviours.
Marvellous Me
Communication With the teacher: With the office: Note in planner. End of the day chat at the door. Telephone and leave a message with the Office. With the office: Post-box outside under covered area and by the office. In person at the Office. Telephone the Office. With the Head Teacher: Via the Website:
Thank you for coming! You now have the opportunity to visit your child’s/children’s classroom(s). If you have any questions you can stay and talk to me or you can ask your child’s teacher. We are looking forward to another amazing year.