Progress WP 2 Legal Entity Preparation of a legal entity Preferred legal framework: ERIC 12 June 2017 PMB, Bari WP2 Miriam Roelofs
WP2 Two workstreams Work streams: Legal and administrative activities Preparation of legal documents and request to the EC Networking activities to establish involvement of Member States mentioned in the Grant Agreement Others to follow later 12 June 2017, PMB, Bari WP2 Miriam Roelofs
Progress, Activities Legal workstream: participation: Hans Chang, Maarten de Jong, Job de Kleuver, Miriam Roelofs Brainstorm meetings to develop early draft Starting from MoU KM3NeT and recent ERIC Statutes March 17 April 4, 21 May 15 June 12 12 June PMB, Bari
Progress, Activities Preparatory Meetings with Dutch Ministry: February 28, May23, June 12 Meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs: confirmation on the legal authority of anchored research facilities at sites in the Exclusive Economic Zone (May 2) Establish a sounding board in developing the early draft Statutes Discussion: C. Markou, May 16, Nikhef 2/15/2017 KM3NeT 2.0. Athens
Governance principles Clear line of authority in execution Transparancy in decision making Robust governance structure for the long term Sound financial structure for the construction, operational and decommissioning phase Acknowledgment KM3NeT Collaboration and KM3NeT Institutes Board 12 June 2017, PMB, Bari
Progress, Activities Networking activities: Preparatory meetings with Dutch Ministry: February 28, May 23, June 12 Establishment of an ERIC working group KM3Net (Grant Agreement) Participations, up to two delegates per State, science delegates to be confirmed later. Delegates confirmed: J.P. Caminade (France) M. Koutrokoi (Greece) S. La Rosa (Italy) I. Figueroa (Spain) J. Ridder (Netherlands) First meeting to be planned 29-30 June 2017, hosted in the Netherlands 12 June 2017, PMB, Bari
WP2 Timeline Detailed timeline WP2 Deliverables WP2: to be developed and presented in PMB, June meeting in Bari. Deliverables WP2: Draft of legal documents (M12) Minutes of meetings Dutch Ministery and EC (M12) Final draft of legal documents (M24) Request to the EC to establish an ERIC Establishment of an ERIC by the EC (M36) 12 June 2017, PMB, Bari WP2 Miriam Roelofs
Contact details: Thank You Contact details: 12 June 2017, PMB, Bari