Take out your homework (1st 8 words) Take out your homework (1st 8 words). If you don’t have it, I have a quiz for you.
Human Geo FRQ’s Label!!!!! Providing 2 examples, but no explanations Really short definitions: “Renewable energy is energy that can be used over and over again.” All one sentence Needless intro sentences Country of Africa… You need to pretend I’m an idiot and explain EVERYTHING to me in your writing.
Binder Check next class! Notes should be in chronological order, you should be able to explain your binder’s organization to me. 5 mins to finish the FRQ you were doing with a partner last class.
Video! Crazy Swedish guy How does the world in 1810 apply to the Demographic Transition Model? How does the world today apply to the Demographic Transition Model? Do you agree with Mr. Rosling that through green energy, aid, and trade, that global life expectancy and income per capita are going to keep improving? Why or why not?
Thomas Malthus’s Theory
Are we going to run out of food?
Thomas Malthus Lived 1766- 1834 (during population explosion of Stage 2 in Demographic Transition) Said that food production would grow linearly, while population would grow exponentially, and eventually we would run out of food
Malthus’ Critics We will not run out of food More people mean more technology People will always come up with new technology to create more food Birth rates have dropped (Stage 3 and 4), so population growth will slow down
Neo-Malthusians We will run out of food, and Malthus was right Argue that poor countries still have HUGE population growth Lack of contraceptives in developing countries Increased urbanization and growth of cities will lead to less available farm land
Overpopulation Youth bulge—big # of kids Carrying Capacity—Maximum number of people an area can sustain Overpopulation—Exceeding your carrying capacity
Review Questions! How did the time period in which Malthus lived influence his theory on population? Explain Malthus’s theory using the terms linear and exponential growth. Name two things that opponents of Malthus use today to discredit his theory. What do neo-Malthusians point to in defense of Malthus’s theory?
Pro and Anti-Natalist Policies 1st Person—China, questions 1-7 2nd Person—India, questions 8-10 Everyone individually answer #11 after people have presented the 1st two articles 3rd and 4th persons—Split up 3rd article as you see fit Everyone individually answer #10 individually