Chamber of Commerce Huntsville / Madison County Small Spacecraft Subcommittee Rich White, Chair (w): 256.955.5482 (c): 505.306.2890
Small Spacecraft Subcommittee Membership as of 4 Feb 2011 Chair – S-TEK - Rich White CFD Research Corp - Sami Habchi Dynetics - Mike Graves Miltec - Bruce Beaufait Radiance Technologies - Pete Weiland SAIC - Michael Meagher Qualis – Roger Herdy Yetispace – Noah Rhys
Trends Number of small spacecraft being built is increasing Smart phone miniature electronics revolution is being extended into space 60 Agencies, Universities, Nations represented at 2010 California Polytechnic State University Cube Satellite Workshop Nanosatellites may eventually become a commodity, ordered in large numbers Affordable, tailored capability for many different types of customers Launch to Low Earth Orbit becoming more affordable
Small Spacecraft Launch Opportunities Are Growing Seven satellites on November 2010 Minotaur IV launch Eight cube satellites on December 2010 Falcon 9 launch EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) becoming a standard service The Huntsville area is uniquely postured today to take advantage of these trends Cube satellites launched as cargo & deployed from ISS
Not “Vugraph Engineering” Small Spacecraft Built Here TODAY Nanosail-D launched in 2010 SMDC-ONE Cube satellite launched in 2010 FASTSAT launched in 2010 Money gravitates to results. The evidence for successful Team Huntsville marketing is clearly available. Need to continue building an overwhelming case to convince others Dedicated nanosatellite launcher first stage tested in 2010
Small Space Test & Operations Facilities & Equipment Here TODAY Army Huntsville control center has wideband fiber comm to access Kwajalein radar & launch facilities Deployable satellite antennas NASA ISS Payload Control Center Vibration, thermal, vacuum, and wind tunnel test facilities Small rocket test stands
Examples: Team Huntsville Advantages Close proximity of build & test facilities Less chance of damage during transport Time & cost savings In-person communication Ease of detailed technical discussion improves mission success rate Hands on cost management control Close physical proximity improves mission success, shortens schedules & enables better cost management
Next Steps Continue to grow subcommittee to include other providers within the Tennessee Valley Build overwhelming case to convince others Develop strategy for: How to communicate synergistic team / close proximity message Areas where Team Huntsville has a clear advantage Near & far term goals Family of small spacecraft buses with standard interfaces to accommodate a wide variety of payloads (eg: FASTSAT “mothership” or ESPA ring as a satellite) Cooperation with other centers (eg: Operationally Responsive Space Office) Reach the “tipping point” where people are flocking to the Huntsville area for small spacecraft service