Ensis americanus and Mya arenaria in the Wadden Sea Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Field Studies, SS 2008 Fabian Delong, Sam Jantz, Rashed Sheriff, Jan Wildefeld
E. americanus Introduced to Europe in the late 1970’s Rapidly spread along the continental coastline of the North Sea
Occupies the sediment in the sub-tidal and intertidal zones Areas of colonization are scarcely populated with native fauna
M. arenaria Present in Europe in late Pliocene Possibly re-introduced to Europe in the 13th Century by Vikings
Wide range of habitat and food preferences Highest densities found in intertidal and shallow sub-tidal zones
Methods Sampled individuals of E. americanus along a 50 meter transect on the lower portion of the intertidal zone 50 individuals, 35 dead and 15 living Measured length and counted growth ridges
Impacts E.americanus No significant interactions with native species Possibly hazardous for bathers. Occurs in fairly shallow depths Can cause damage to trawls and other commercial fishing equipment
Impacts M.arenaria No information is available on impact since invasion of North Sea No negative impacts on other species is observed today Has been observed to competitively exclude native species in other regions
Management M.arenaria E.americanus Has been thoroughly established for several centuries and seems to be benign. No action is needed E.americanus Seemingly benign, however population sizes as well as interactions with native species should be monitored
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