Ephesians 4:1-2 1I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love….
A misunderstood virtue A woman’s virtue? 1 Peter 3:3-4 Do not adorn yourselves outwardly by braiding your hair, and by wearing gold ornaments or fine clothing; rather, let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God's sight.
gentleness defined The problem with words Considerate or kindly; admirable and tender. Not harsh or severe; mild and soft.
gentleness in the flesh Two Models
gentleness in the flesh Two Models Moses (Num12:3)
gentleness in the flesh Two Models Moses (Num12:3) Jesus (Lk 18:15-17: Matt 11:29-30; Matt 21:1-17)
gentleness re-defined “the mean between excessive anger and excessive angerlessness” Aristotle uses of gentleness in ancient times Tame an animal- bring it under control. Moral self-control- controlled manner and approach to others.
gentleness re-defined A gentle torrent A gentle inferno A gentle infection
gentleness re-defined A gentle torrent A gentle inferno A gentle infection Jesus- strength under control
what gentleness isn’t Anaemic, wimpy, sentimental aimless. (NO). Gentleness is not impotence!
gentleness, a mark of Jesus’ people Galatians 5:22 The fruit of the spirit Titus 3:1-2 Philippians 4:4-5 James 3:13-17 1 Tim 6:11 2 Tim 2:24-26 1 Pet 3:15-16