Next event The UK GRAD Programme Contacts Science in Society: Ethics in Genome Research workshop [date and venue TBC] A one-day course for life science PhD students from PLUS institutions, to increase students’ awareness of the ethical issues involved in genomics research. Case studies will illustrate how ethical issues are dealt with by individual researchers and institutions. A mixture of lectures, break-out and panel-led discussions will provide opportunities for students to ask questions and to discuss their responses to the ethical issues raised. with support from the UK GRAD Programme Scottish Hub The UK GRAD Programme The UK GRAD programme organises a series of residential 3-5 day training courses to allow PhD students to assess their personal skills, and to develop team building and career management skills. These GRADschool courses are free to PhD students funded by any of the UK Research Councils, the Arts and Humanities Research Board and the Wellcome Trust. Further information, including details of eligibility, dates, venues, availability and online booking forms, are on the web at The GRAD Scottish Hub is also organising a series of other events over the next few months: GRADschool information evening [Edinburgh] – Tuesday 4th March GRADschool information evening [Glasgow] – TBA Scottish Good Practice Workshop on postgraduate skills training – TBA Contacts Jon Turner or Ruth Gilpin UK GRAD Scottish Hub College of Science and Engineering, Weir Building, University of Edinburgh EH9 3JY 0131 650 7141 / 7002 or by emailing