Plan of Study: A Student’s Road Map to Success Creating Plans of Study Batch Assign Plan of Study Heidi Donnelly, Registrar Records Coordinator Joann Denby, Technical Support Coordinator Oakland University School of Nursing Rochester, Michigan
How to Log into Web Portal
Click on Plan of Study Tools Dashboard The Dashboard is customizable: Create additional tabs for ease of navigating POS shortcuts. Here you can see we created a tab called Plan of Study Tools. It contains the following Plan of Study tabs from the Student Records tab: Plan of Study Templates Plan of Study Defaults Plan of Study Adviser Students Plan of Study Plan of Study Forecast Click on Plan of Study Tools
Create Plan of Study Templates on the Web
How to Create a Plan of Study Template Click on Plan of Study Tools click on Plan of Study Templates. Construct a new plan without using a copy. Chose from existing Plan templates.
Construct a New Plan of Study Type in Plan Name Choose Catalog Select Degree Select Major Comments: Define the Plan of Study Click Save
New Plan Confirmation After clicking Save you will see the Blue header bar validating your new template has been saved.
Adding Courses to New Plan Template Click on the refresh button on the toolbar to refresh the page Select new Template in the drop down menu Start adding courses by clicking on +Add button
Adding Courses Term by Term Courses can be added term by term. Click on the +Add button and choose courses to add in drop down menu. Click Save to add to term
Enter in Course Selection from Menu Type in naming convention to bring up available courses. If a course is already assigned for the student in another term it CANNOT be assigned again. Note: A new enhancement is coming that will allow for you to assign a course in more than one term. DNP 899 course issue across 3 terms
Adding Courses -Move to Term Sequence Add courses in Term by Term Before saving click the down/up arrow to assign the term sequence. Hit the refresh button on tool bar to view saved changes.
BSN Sample Plan of Study Lock step Plan of Study for Basic Nursing Track. 3 years 6 semesters Can be assigned as a Fall start or a Winter start.
Validate Term Sequence & Credit Hours Build Template term by term View in Compact mode to validate total credit hours by term. Templates are built with no assigned terms, so they can be assigned during the batch assign process. After clicking Save you will see the Blue header bar validating your new template has been saved. Speak about BSN template and counting term credits and sequence
Show Plan Button Click on Show Plan button to review a Plan of Study. This can be used as a quality control measure to validate your plan is correct.
Show Plan To view a Template you can click on Show Plan Button. Confirm the Plan Summary Show the courses listed by term sequence Show course number Show course description. Again, remind them this a place to confirm/validate that plan template is accurate to degree sequence.
How to Revise a Template If a Template needs more courses than in the assigned template you can add them by clicking on the +Add button and chose a course in the drop down menu. Resave new template with new naming convention.
How to Create a Plan of Study by Copying an existing Template Per Student: Create a Plan of Study by COPY. Choose a template for specific majors. Choose the plan then click on Create Plan by copy to insert on student’s profile. Terms dates can be updated by clicking on term and selecting from drop down menu.
ASD Plan of Study Example: Sample Plan of Study Track for traditional Second Degree Student. These courses are lock step and required to be completed by term sequence. If a student fails or goes Off Track then their Plan of Study is adjusted manually. Note: Off Track means student is not taking the course in sequence due to a failure or life situation for altered plan.
{Accelerated Second Degree, Major and Term it applies to Plan of Study Template Plan Name is based on a curriculum {Accelerated Second Degree, Major and Term it applies to (ASD.7008.201718)} Catalog cannot be changed once assigned to this Template. Degree, Major and comments can be updated. Talk about the ASD track plan on next screen and how you can do quality control to verify plan matches template.
How to Assign a Plan from a Template Choose default templates with specific curriculums. Click create from template. Here you can reorder courses and terms.
Plan of Study Batch Update on the Client side
Batch Update SR/BUP In the Client: Go into the SR/BUP screen and update the sections with: - Profile - Plan of Study - Term Assignment - Starting Term - Update to Plan
Choose a Profile from Listing Batch Update SR/BUP SR/PRF Profile Listing Choose a profile that will generate the correct students to assign the Plan of Study.
Batch Profile Listing Batch Update SR/BUP Verifying Student Profile List matches students that need Plans of Study assigned Bottom Bar verify’s profile run has been completed
Choose a Plan of Study Template Batch Update SR/BUP Choose a Plan of Study template to apply to the profile population. Description connects to a specific catalog, degree and major code.
Choose a Term Formating Batch Update SR/BUP Choose a term sequence: - 2 semesters - 3 semesters Select Term order sequence Note: The System Administrator updates the Order Sequence and Term ID
Choose Starting Term Sequence Batch Update SR/BUP Select start term based on criteria: -Fall/Winter -Winter/Fall -Fall/Winter/Summer
Batch Assign - Final Screen Batch Update SR/BUP Click on Update to Plan and once data runs and assigns the Plan of Study to the Profile of Students you will see verification on bottom line of screen. Go into web view and spot check that students have the correct Plan of Study assigned.
Projecting Enrollments Forecasting
Catalog, Term, Degree Student Details To view the overall Plan of Study Forecasting for specific major or schools, click on the Plan of Study Forecast Button. Choose the Catalog, Term, Department, Degree and Major. Click Get List. This view allows user to look at course totals for class seat projections and Clinical seat assignment verifications.
Course Lists and Counts After you select the criteria to view you can see course lists by term and course detail. This is a great way to audit courses that should have specific numbers and or show students that may be off track.