Forever Buffs CU-Boulder Alumni Association Increasing the On-Campus Footprint Matt Dixon Louis Lehman Justin Macauley Dixon
Outline History Project Purpose Objectives Phase I: Research Primary Research Results Secondary Research Results Phase II: Implementation Potential Roadblocks Flat Ralphie Spirit Competition Conclusion Matt
History In November 2008 the Alumni Association unveiled the “Forever Buffs” program by discontinuing its membership dues program and welcoming all 230,000 alumni and 24,000 undergraduates as lifelong members. Matt
Benefits of Joining Forever Buffs Scholarships Career Resources Ask a Buff Job Postings Career Counseling and Workshops Connect with other Buffs No dues Matt
Project Purpose Underlying Issue: Our Role Responsibility to current students Our Role Educate current students on the benefits and resources of joining and actively participating in the Forever Buffs Network Matt
Objectives Provide guidance for improving the action/marketing plan for the on-campus outreach Implementation of a marketing strategy to increase awareness and participation in Forever Buffs Increase registration in the Forever Buffs network by 350 students during the Fall 2010 Semester Matt
Phase I: Research Primary research through questionnaires sent to various university’s alumni departments Results given from: North Carolina Missouri Utah Kansas Oregon Secondary research conducted by group members on best practices of alumni associations student outreach Louis
Phase I: Primary Research Results Question: “What is your most effective way of reaching out to students?” Word of Mouth Listserv (Senior Class) Homecoming Giveaways (Food, Promotional Items) Athletic Fan Clubs Email and Social Networking On Campus Tabling and Events Example: Missouri’s Tiger Walk and Senior Send Off Louis
Phase I: Primary Research Results Question: “What are your most effective on- campus marketing tactics?” Campus Newspaper Flyers in Classrooms/Residence Halls Tables at student centers Campus TVs Bookstore Graduation Fair “Beat (TEAM)” T Shirts Freshman Move-In Louis
Phase I: Primary Research Results Question: “How do you measure success of the program?” Quality, not Quantity Post-Event Surveys Number of Student Attendees Engagement Level Campus Feel (Are people talking about it/ wearing T-Shirts) Louis
Phase I: Secondary Research Industry best practices: USC- “Trojan SCuppers” Dinner hosted by a prominent local alumnus for ~50 undergraduate students University of Georgia- “100 Days to Graduation” Celebration for all graduating seniors including: food, drinks, music University of Texas- “Texas-Exes” Distinguished speaker series for undergraduates Louis
Phase II: Road Blocks Student apathy Website registration issues Dissemination of event information Oversaturation of information about events, clubs, causes etc. on campus Lack of social media outreach One of the last frontiers to disseminate information to the busy student without being lost in the crowd Justin
Phase II: Implementation Creation of an event that combines the best of Phase I research The event needs to include aspects of: School spirit Prize incentives Convenience and ease of participation for students Justin
Implementation: Flat Ralphie Spirit Competition Expansion on current Forever Buffs project School wide competition Greek Life Club Sports Affinity Groups Winners selected on the basis of the most creative and school spirited photo Justin
Implementation: Flat Ralphie Spirit Competition School spirit: By reaching out to affinity groups already associated with CU we can utilize the pride in CU CU spirit is a general theme that all participants can easily relate to Incentives for students: Cash prizes ranging from $100-$500 Autographed Chauncey Billups ball iPod nano Free CU t-shirt CU basketball tickets Convenience: All competition materials, directions, and submissions are through the Herd’s Facebook page Justin
Phase II Results 11 teams submitted photos Club Field Hockey Choir Buffs CU Student Government 230 new registrants 185 from “Flat Ralphie” Justin
Conclusion Thoughts Quick Wins Marquee Events Competition deemed successful Increased awareness among students Quick Wins UMC Tabling Increase Social Networking Marquee Events Annual CU Spirit Competition Sole Sponsorship of Events Dinner with Alumni Senior Class Dedication Matt