British centre left party policies continued Continued policies.
Tax We support taxing the biggest corporations 20-30% and the smaller companies 5%, this we feel will help pay wages of the smaller companies. We support taxing people a set amount based on their annual income, so for example there would be four different groups where if you earn less than 16,000 per year, you get taxed 3%, you get taxed 5% if you earn 17,000 to 30,000 and 10% 30-60,000 and 15-20% over 60,000 annually. We do not think people who are on the dole and have no job should have help with housing benefit or council tax, unless that person is disabled, has recently lost their job, or they have a family. We believe scrapping beer and pasty tax. We would abolish the bedroom tax, but distribute housing to the appropriate people, so no 4 bed housing for two people, or 2 bed house for a family of 5. We believe that we need a fair tax system which does not punish the poo, but equally does not punish those who do well for themselves.
Military and defence We do not support military bases abroad, We do not support training and arming other military, We think we should give more help to military personnel who have post traumatic stress syndrome, We should ban aggressive advertisement of military and RAF, Navy, which we see are used as a means to coerce young boys and girls into a dangerous job. We think people should only join military if they genuinely should want to. we think soldiers should abide by the laws of war, and anything that conflicts with that should be punished according to military law.
Housing We believe in building more affordable housing, We believe in building more centres for homeless people, We believe in a fair society where the rich and foreigners do not buy out houses so the poor have nowhere to live, We support safety checks at all tower blocks, We would eradicate areas where disproportionate amount of the same people are there, whether it is polish, Muslim or black, it does not matter we believe in full integration. We believe in building less university residential flats, We support the right to buy council houses system. We think that no house should be run down, we support the idea that if a landlord has died then the council can take the properties as we do not want to see houses wasted as is the case specifically in Morecambe.
Emergency services We support all emergency services in the line of duty, There should be a single independent complaints commission for all emergency services complaints, it should have lawyers and criminal experts who have no affiliation with the emergency services. We support tougher sentences for emergency service personnel who are found guilty of misconduct, We support more police on the beat, especially in tourist areas and places which are known for crime, We believe all police have to have body cameras anybody found not to have one should be disciplined, We support armed police in major tourist hotspots, We believe armed police should only shoot to kill if it is the last resort, We think that emergency services should all get a set amount of pay but do not support them striking.
Family We support male maternity pay and time off, We support more foster parents,
Local communities We support more CCTV, especially in alleyways, We support more street lights and better street lighting, We support more outside gyms in Morecambe and other areas Lancashire and the UK. We think that there should be more community centres and more parks built Canals and seas, rivers should be cleaned and beaches cleaned up, We support better integration from central government to local government, We think should be regular meetings between local government and the central government We think should be more sports societies and activity societies which are cheaper and bring community together.
Economy We believe in a strong economy based on fair tax system and an economy where those who want to work are rewarded. We believe that the economy can be strong through global trading, a fair tax system, the a cut of foreign and military aid, and a increasing tourism, along with creation of more jobs and therefore more people using public transport, and the mandatory health card scheme.
Pensions We believe that rich pensioners should not be given state pensions, only worker pensions, We support everybody having worker pensions, We support state pensions for pensioners who are not classed as rich. We do not support any policy where pensioners would see their state pension decreased.
Immigration We should have serious and robust vetting, We should not allow anybody in our country who has committed violent or serious crimes, We should limit permanent immigration from EU and the world, We support foreign students coming to study here as long as they are either paying themselves or have financial help from their own country, We do not support allowing war criminals into our country and to live here, We think that no British criminal should be allowed to travel out of the country, Stronger border control, Should me more visa free travel from the UK to abroad as long as they have not committed serious crimes, they are travelling for business or leisure, and that they have enough money. We support refugees coming here to join their families as long as they have a job or that they have study, we do not support people coming to the country with no intention of a job people should show that they have been offered a job or have qualifications for a job.