What 2 literary elements are mentioned or referred to in this comic?
What is Foreshadowing? Foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author drops subtle hints about plot developments to come later in the story. Think of foreshadowing as a way of giving the reader a chance to make a predication about what might happen next in the story. *Summarize foreshadowing with a 10 cent summary.
What is Flashback? Flashback is a literary device in which an author tells events to the reader that have taken place before the current part of the story. You can think of flashback as a way of giving the reader details like memories and dreams. *Summarize flashback with a 10 cent summary.
Power Question 1 1. Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was exactly a year ago today that she stood in this very same spot, trying to do the very same thing. “How could I be doing this?” Sarah thought to herself. She took a deep breath and recalled that embarrassing and humiliating time. She had sung on stage a million times, but, for some reason, that night was different. As she gazed out in the into the crowd, she saw them. They never came, yet there they were. Sarah’s breath had quickened and her heart began to beat a mile a minute. “I can’t do this,” she mumbled as she fled the stage. And now, exactly a year later, Sarah stood, ready to head out on stage. She hoped she was ready. A. Foreshadowing B. Exposition C. Flashback D. Dénouement
Power Question 2 Robinson Crusoe (paraphrased excerpt from book) by Daniel Defoe Being the third son of the family, and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house education a country free school generally go, and designed me for the law, but I would be satisfied with nothing but going out to sea. My inclination to this led me so strongly against the will, nay, the commands, of my father, and against all the entreaties and persuasions of my mother and other friends, that there seemed to be something fatal in that propension of nature tending directly to the life of misery which was to befall me. The author uses the reaction of Robinson Crusoe’s family and friends to give the reader hints of what may happen in the story. This is known as ________________. Rising Action Flashback Exaggeration Foreshadowing
Power Question 3 3. The dark storm clouds rolled across the lake and Rebecca couldn’t help but shiver. The ominous feeling the black clouds gave her made her pull her wool coat closely around her. She started walking faster and faster, hoping that whatever was coming would pass quickly and wouldn’t hurt too badly. This is an example of: Foreshadowing Falling Action Flashback Fiction