MAOU Bogandinskaya SCHOOL №42 FORM 8 IT’S WORTH READING… MAOU Bogandinskaya SCHOOL №42 FORM 8
Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba" The work is amazing. The fact that every act can be found both praise and condemnation. Gogol clearly and uniquely portrayed the actions of the main characters and the motives that prompted them to these actions. He described the contrast of the two brothers, painting the characters since the first meeting of Ostap and Andriy with his mother and father: the first went to fight with their fists with Batko, second marveled behavior brother rushed to her mother. At the end of Taras Bulba before us a man who has lost all: sons, his wife. But he did not lose faith in the country and in the idea. This book can be re-read and re-read.
Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" - one of my favorite childhood books. I re-read it several times and each time discovering something new. The novel, written almost 300 years ago, is called "the immortal" work. It's entertaining, instructive book that reveals the inner world of man. It tells of a sailor, who was on a desert island and lived there alone for 28 years. Roman consider interesting and fascinating, but I liked it at once. Home is not interested, but the description of the life of the hero has surpassed all expectations. The book made a very strong impression on me. I read it quickly and with great enthusiasm. I do not remember which class it was, but my mother scolded me for what I have read a lot, and I'm finishing the book secretly at night. Adventures of the protagonist and the lure, capture. And then, in 14 years I had a rest in the "Eaglet" and saw in the sale of this book. Some wave of joy seized me, and I immediately bought it. It was the first self-bought me a book, and the choice was very conscious. I knew that this work should be with me. That same evening, I again began to read it, and was surprised by some events and facts, which I had not noticed before. She impressed me even more. I understand what is valuable in a given place at a given time, can completely depreciate elsewhere or at another time. When gold may lie precious cargo, and a simple knife, for example, can be very valuable. Surprisingly, a strong will, dedication, love of life had the protagonist. After all, if an ordinary person gets on an island, he will not be able to survive or go mad from loneliness. After reading the novel, and "surviving" events together with the hero of Daniel Defoe, I concluded that we should not just give up under any circumstances try to find a way out. We must hope for good and believing in yourself. Now the abundance of variety of interesting books, but I think that "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" - a work of genius, which at least once a must read for everyone.
JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" A screen adaptation of the first book of the Harry Potter series, according to the fans - the "child" and the fairy of them all. However, the genre is easy to explain the age of heroes: they had only come into the world of magic and adventure, and are unaware of all its dangers. It is a pity only that the role of the Potions master Severus Snape did not play Tim Roth, which was planned in the initial stages. But Alan Rickman cope with the role so brilliantly that after Snape is difficult to imagine any other. Other small regret can cause and the fact that the picture has not lifted the famous Steven Spielberg. He was the main contender for the director position, but in the end refused, realizing that in this tape it hardly will be able to express themselves, "Harry Potter", who would not shoot a movie about him, there will always be only the adaptation of books by JK Rowling.