CRLP College Search Project HPS San Antonio Cluster 2015
Project goal: College Search Project is aiming to create college awareness in students to become well rounded college ready individuals.
Project Overview: Mentor will follow below steps; Introduction of the project and resources Project timeline How to choose colleges? What information is required about colleges? Sample college search by mentor Sample presentation by mentor Technical support to create a quality PPT presentation
1. Introduction of the project and resources Students will choose 3 colleges listed in top 100 U.S. colleges by U.S. News and 2 Texas colleges. Search for information under each defined subject. Create a PPT presentation and present to your group. Many resources are available and students may use which ever they want. Most reliable and useful ones are; Big Future by College Board College Scorecard by U.S. Department of Education
2. Project timeline Week 1: Introduction of the project and resource, project timeline, how to choose colleges, what information is required about colleges and sample college search by mentor. Mentor will provide hard copy of the guidelines to each student. Assignment 1: Students visit the U.S News college list and college search websites. Determine 2 colleges they want to have in their project. Week 2: What information is required about colleges. Sample college search by mentor. Assignment 2: Students add 3 more colleges in their list and complete the number of colleges to 5. Week 3: Students search information about their college-1 and start their draft PPT. Assignment 3: Complete your college-1 search and finalize your PPT for approval by your mentor.
2. Project timeline (continued) Week 4: Students search information about their college-2 and start their draft PPT. Technical support to create a quality PPT presentation. Assignment 4: Complete your college-2 search and finalize your PPT for approval by your mentor. Week 5: Students search information about their college-3 and start their draft PPT. Technical support to create a quality PPT presentation. Assignment 5: Complete your college-3 search and finalize your PPT for approval by your mentor. Week 6: Students search information about their college-4 and start their draft PPT. Assignment 6: Complete your college-4 search and finalize your PPT for approval by your mentor. Week 7: Students search information about their college-5 and start their draft PPT. Assignment 7: Complete your college-5 search and finalize your PPT for approval by your mentor.
Presenting the projects: Mentors will organize activities or look for opportunities for students to present their projects, below are some examples; Group presentation during regular weekly CRLP program, Attached in CRLP student progress report file, School STEM Festival, Special presentation to school VIP visitors, School outreach events, Presentation to the school administrators, Presentation to Principal and Cluster Coaches, Presentations can be posted on a school bulletin board, Added in end of year CRLP newsletter,
Job well done. Congratulations Job well done! Congratulations.. Dear CRLP student, this project is going to be a milestone in your life! Work hard and make your dreams come true.. Wish you the best Commit yourself, expand your horizon, GO TO YOUR DREAM COLLEGE!!