History of Rate Changes UNC-GA and OSHR began discussions on revised LEO rates in January 2013. GA staff, OSHR, campus HR professionals, and police chiefs were engaged in issue, utilizing surveys, an in-person meeting, and a working group comprised of OSHR, HR, and LEO subject matter experts. By December 2013, OSHR and UNC-GA revealed proposed changes to the system.
History of Rate Changes (Continued) Changes included: Reclassifying PS Directors to PS Managers Utilizing “metropolitan rates” instead of “triangle reference rates” Revealing new market rates and updated specs. The rate changes were implemented in Spring/Summer 2014. An across-the-board 1% banded range revision was published in Fall 2014 following the annual Legislative Increase process.
LEO Rates – Standard v Metropolitan CLASS TITLES MIN CRR JMR ARR MAX LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGER $ 48,629 $ 55,663 $ 62,223 $ 73,243 $ 90,251 PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGER - METROPOLITAN RATES $ 63,516 $ 71,017 $ 83,620 PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER $ 31,383 $ 35,468 $ 39,603 $ 46,552 $ 58,993 PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER - METROPOLITAN RATES $ 40,053 $ 44,740 $ 52,612 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR $ 40,040 $ 48,893 $ 54,641 $ 64,297 $ 79,751 PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR - METROPOLITAN RATES $ 53,901 $ 60,249 $ 70,913 PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR $ 24,140 $ 27,223 $ 30,290 $ 37,965 $ 45,652 PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR - METRO RATES $ 29,929 $ 33,313 $ 41,779 PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR SUPERVISOR $ 32,000 $ 37,688 $ 46,126 $ 58,761 $ 71,000 PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMM SUPERVISOR - METRO RATES $ 41,173 $ 50,413 $ 64,248
LEO Rates – Standard v Metropolitan
Metropolitan Rate – Request Process Prepare a strong classification & market argument to justify your request. Fill out the form “Request to Apply Public Safety Metropolitan Rates.” A version is served on the GA website here: http://old.northcarolina.edu/hr/hr_council/Request_To_Apply_Public_Safety_Metropolitan_Rate.docx. Send the completed form to Jessica Moore at UNC-GA (jlmoore@northcarolina.edu)
Metropolitan Rate – Request Process (Continued) Jessica Moore will review your request and, pending GA’s approval, submit it to OSHR for further discussion. OSHR will provide the final approval or denial on the request. UNC-GA will communicate the resolution to campus.
Please provide the following information: Request Forms Request To Apply Public Safety Metropolitan Rate Agency/University: Date Submitted Date Approved Please provide the following information: Local Market: Agencies directly competitive to your location (municipalities and counties); Include rates of pay if known: Recruitment Issues: How long are positions posted? Are applicant pools deep? Are positions turned down when offered and why? Retention Issues: Turnover rate for past two year. Please give examples of jobs officers are leaving for and the location. Include rate of pay if known: Other Pertinent Information: http://old.northcarolina.edu/hr/hr_council/Request_To_Apply_Public_Safety_Metropolitan_Rate.docx