Starter What did Jesus do when he entered the Temple ?(3 things) 2. How did he explain his actions? What was he not happy about? (2 things) 3. In this incident, was Jesus teaching others to use violence? Yes because.. No because..
In the Temple... Their practise was corrupt as the money changers took high rates of commission. This means they were making profit out of people’s need to honour Jewish law. Jesus is defending the rights of the Gentiles to pray in this space, which has been taken unjustly by the traders.
However... What we see here is Jesus losing his temper! This shows his human side. He gets so angry he is actually violent! His actions did not change anything. He made his point but the next day there was still people buying and selling in the Temple Court.
Jesus in the Temple Court – Mark 11:15-18 LO: To know the story of the incident in the Temple Court and to assess Jesus’ actions.
Jesus and the Jewish Authorities: The Temple Court 5.3 (pages 98-99) Learning Objectives: To know the story of the incident in the Temple Court and to assess Jesus’ actions. Grade C: Students will be able to retell the story of Jesus in the temple court and will show an understanding of possible reasons for Jesus’ actions. Grade B: Students will be able to retell the story of Jesus in the temple court and will be able to explain possible reasons for Jesus’ actions. Grade A/A*: (as above) Students will evaluate whether violent protests can ever be justified.
The Incident in the Temple Court: 11:15-18 15 When they arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus went to the Temple and began to drive out all those who were buying and selling. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the stools of those who sold pigeons, 16 and he would not let anyone carry anything through the Temple courtyards. 17 He then taught the people: "It is written in the Scriptures that God said, "My Temple will be called a house of prayer for the people of all nations.' But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!" 18 The chief priests and the teachers of the Law heard of this, so they began looking for some way to kill Jesus. They were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.
Christian attitudes to violent protest Some Christians follow Jesus teaching of non-violence, in any situation. Jesus frequently taught against violence - in the other gospels. Jesus went to his death without a fight, & died on the cross without resistance (in all gospels) If someone slaps you on one cheek, “turn the other cheek” (Matthew) He told Peter, to put his sword away in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Peter wanted to protect Jesus (Matthew, Luke) Other Christians say that sometimes, expressing anger in a dramatic, but non-harmful way, can make the point more powerfully, than just speaking out.
Can violent protest ever be right? Read about what Greenpeace did p.99. Was their violence “righteous” like Jesus? Or was it unacceptably violent and destructive? Can violent protest ever be right?
Think! Do you think Jesus was right to use violence, even though it didn’t make a difference?
Exam Practice… ‘A violent protest is never justified’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to Mark’s Gospel in your answer. (6 marks). I agree that violent protest is never justified because... -Jesus’ actions in the temple suggest violent protest can be ok if... -Jesus’ actions in the temple suggest violent protest is sometimes necessary when... I disagree - violent protest is never justified because... Jesus always taught non-violence... Jesus’ actions in the temple were non-effective...
Peer Assessment - /6, WWW, EBI
Are YOU confident... Retelling the story of Jesus in the Temple? Explaining possible reasons for Jesus’ actions? Giving your opinion on whether Jesus’ actions were justified in the Temple? Evaluating both sides of the argument on whether violence protest is ever right? Tick the statements you are confident with and then look at what you will spend the last 10 minutes of the lesson learning/revising/adding to your notes on