Project KA2-„Let´s say STOP! gender discrimination in education.“
A1-Creation of the school teams of teachers and students; - Announcement of the project - the responsible teachers will choose the students who will be involved in the project activities;- ALL September 2015:
M1-First transnational meeting in Czech Republic will be done M1-First transnational meeting in Czech Republic will be done. Roles and responsibilities will be discussed;- ALL, ONLY TEACHERS A5-Creation a common blog, website and e-twinning portal for the project activities;-ALL A6-Creation of the Project logo;- ALL A7-Students will take photos of school facilities, their cities and any other relevant members of their school life and booklets will be created before the mobility. October 2015: November 2015:
A8-Display: history of women's education in Europe A8-Display: history of women's education in Europe. Women's struggle over history and nowadays. About two-thirds of those who cannot read are women. 781million people are illiterate, about 66% of them are women. What is the cause of this inequality in access to education? In order to settle our schools into the topic, students could organize a display with posters, signs, time lines, videos, brochures, explaining women fight over history and the state of the question currently. Students should research history in libraries, searching for information on the Internet, make posters, edit videos;-ALL A9-Host a reception for the press local,business leaders, political leaders; host a seminar in each country;-ALL December 2015:
A10-Comics, mini-posters and photo albums will be created by each school on essential women who fought for their education. These works could be made using IT or an art work focusing on how these women managed to study and work;-ALL January and February 2016:
A11-Street interviews about gender discrimination on education will be done on women’s Day. Teachers will evaluated the results obtained so far and the reports will be uploaded the project web-page;-ALL C1-Turkey Mobility (Sivas) will be done. The students from Çorum and Sivas together will perform chorus. Students will sing songs about discrimination.-ALL March 2016:
C3-Spain Mobility will be done C3-Spain Mobility will be done. Black-light theatre on the struggle of women for education will be performed;-ALL April 2016:
A12-Advertising campaign: girls who are forbidden to go to school A12-Advertising campaign: girls who are forbidden to go to school. Students could plan an advertising campaign using ICT. They have to work as a team, create working groups in order to carry out a research based on statistics, consult several sources of information, undertake surveys, do interviews. This involves indoor /outdoor activities;-ALL May-June 2016:
A13-Students will write articles on women who fought for the equality in access to education for women and share these on project website;-ALL July-August 2016:
A14-Make a calendar: women, girls learning, studying at school A14-Make a calendar: women, girls learning, studying at school. Students would make handcrafts. The could sculpt, paint, take a picture or create an art work to make a calendar which might be printed and distributed. Portrait of outstanding women or any other theme connected with human or women rights would be made;- ALL C2-Italy mobility will be done on Medieval Street Dance on women who fought for the equality;-ALL September 2016:
M2-Second Transnational Meeting(Romania )will be done M2-Second Transnational Meeting(Romania )will be done. The outcomes of the project so far will be evaluated;-ALL TEACHERS October 2016:
A15-Forums will be created by each partner school on women's education in Europe. Our students have to organize a forum. Everyone in the town would be invited. This involves calling some experts (professors,business women, etc.) Students should look for professionals, teachers, parents to participate in the forum. An outstanding politician of the town council might be invited;-ALL November 2016- December 2016:
A16-Documentary: men who supported and support women's right to education. Students could research into men who have supported women struggle. They could conduct surveys to find out men's opinions on the topic currently;- ALL January-February 2017:
A17-March 8th: women's rights around the world; organizing a thematic day. Students should work as a team to schedule different activities: making posters, signs, giving information about Women's Day, about women’s fight for education, arranging meetings, debates, games during a normal day at school;-ALL March 2017:
C4-Czech Republic Mobility will be done C4-Czech Republic Mobility will be done. Students will perform Puppet play on gender discrimination;-ALL April 2017:
A18-Every school will organize an exhibition which will involve photo albums, booklets, art&crafts activities. Press, families, political leaders, other schools will be invited to the exhibitions. The videos of the performances of the schools will be shown during the exhibition;-ALL May 2017:
June-July-August 2017: A19-Erasmus+ Corners will be completed;-ALL A20-Final report will be completed and submitted.-ALL June-July-August 2017: