Growing from the Past Joshua 4:1-24
God’s Work Remembered Joshua plans a historical marker. (Joshua 4:1-7) Joshua sets up the historical marker. (Joshua 4:8-20) Joshua tells the Israelites to teach future generations about what God has done. (Joshua 4:21-24)
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. After the people crossed the Jordan what did God tell Joshua to do? (Joshua 4:1-3) After the people, had crossed the river, God told Joshua to select one man from each tribe. Each man was to pick up a stone from where the priests stood in the river and carry it to the place where they would make camp for the night.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. What do you think these men thought as they entered again into the dry riverbed to carry out Joshua’s orders?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. After Joshua gave his instructions to the twelve men he told them his purpose. Why did Joshua want these men to get the stones? (Joshua 4:4-7) Joshua told the twelve men that the stones would serve as a memorial. He said the stones would provide a teaching opportunity for their children.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. When children would ask “What do these stones mean?” how were parents to answer? (Joshua 4:6-7) When children asked, parents were to tell them the story of how God stopped the flow of the Jordan River so the people could pass over to the other side.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What miraculous things has God done in your life? What are you doing to memorialize those things? Do those significant children in your life ask you questions about how God has worked? Is God’s work in your life evident to others?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. Can you think of other biblical events when someone set up a stone or stones as a memorial? Can you think of another event when the Bible tells us that children will ask “What are the meaning of these things?”
Joshua set up the twelve stones in a stack or pile. DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. What did Joshua do with the rocks? (Joshua 4:9) Joshua set up the twelve stones in a stack or pile.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Do you remember why the men of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh are singled out? (Joshua 4:12)
DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. How did the people respond to the miracle God had done for them? (Joshua 4:14) God exalted Joshua and the people revered him all the days of his life, just as they had Moses.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. Joshua restated his instructions about teaching children. What specifically did he say? (Joshua 4:21- 22)? Joshua again told the people that when their descendants asked about the stones, they should tell them about the miracle God provided for the Israelites to cross the Jordan on dry ground, just as he had done at the Red Sea.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What two reasons does Joshua give for God performing this miracle? (Joshua 4:24) Joshua says that God performed the miracles so that the other nations of the world would know that God is powerful and the Israelites might always fear the Lord.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. What are some tangible things that remind you of the miraculous things God has done for you?