The ‘Spoon’ of Shame! You will be playing the ‘Spoon of Shame’ game in groups of 4-6. One person in the group will start with the spoon. The aim is to.


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Presentation transcript:

The ‘Spoon’ of Shame! You will be playing the ‘Spoon of Shame’ game in groups of 4-6. One person in the group will start with the spoon. The aim is to not be holding the spoon. To get someone else to hold it you need to get them to say any of the forbidden words: Yes No Black White You can use any object for this, it doesn’t have to be a spoon. Give a spoon to small groups e.g. 4-6. Whoever is holding the spoon has to get rid of it by making someone else say yes, no, black or white. They will then have to carry the spoon and so on. At first efforts to do this will be obvious but get students to carry on with the recap activity on the next slide and see how the game pans out.

Let’s Recap Friendship Last lesson we explored the what makes a good friendship. Create a mind map of what we did last lesson. Friendship What we can learn about friendship from the films Mean Girls, Up and Shrek The qualities that do not make a good friend Ask students to mind map in their books what they did last lesson. The ‘Spoon of Shame’ game still needs to continue whilst they are doing this. The qualities that make a good friend A recipe for friendship

Bullying Learning Objective: To explore the issue of bullying. I can reflect on my own experiences around bullying. I can explore two types of bullying, verbal and physical. I can understand where it go to for advice on bullying.

What is bullying? Who experienced some ‘playful teasing’ when playing ‘The Spoon of Shame’? What is the difference between playful teasing between friends and bullying? Many students might parrot what they know about bullying from previous lessons in primary school on this. So getting students to consider the difference between teasing and bullying should open up more of a genuine discussion about what bullying is/is not. Teasing is an interesting and complex activity. Like physical horseplay, it’s an apparently unpleasant activity, but participation in it is a prized part of being part of a group. Not being teased can itself be a form of exclusion. Some of the differences between teasing and bullying that the spoon of shame highlights is that in these games, teasing is consensual and indeed affectionate, laughing is “with” not “at”, it is not directed aggressively and exclusively at a particular person, and anyone can tease anyone – it is not an expression of power relations within the group. Watch the newsround clip on bullying to help explain what bullying is following their discussion. - newsround clip on bullying

Some people get pleasure out of bullying. Vote With Your Feet Some people get pleasure out of bullying. Ask students to stand up and form a line. You are going to show them a number of statements on bullying. They need to stand on one side of the room if they agree with the statement and the other side if they disagree. After each statement encourage students to explain why they have chosen to stand where they have. Also encourage them to think about why someone might have stood on the different end to the line as them. Agree Disagree

You should try to stop bullying when you see it happening. Vote With Your Feet You should try to stop bullying when you see it happening. Draw out from students whether we all have a responsibility for stopping bullying – this can just be reporting it to an adult if they are uncomfortable intervening themselves. Agree Disagree

Vote With Your Feet Parents and teachers shouldn’t get involved, it should be left to students to sort it out. Encourage students here to inform parents and teachers if bullying is happening. Agree Disagree

I have seen people being bullied. Vote With Your Feet I have seen people being bullied. Agree Disagree

Vote With Your Feet Adults can be bullies. Agree Disagree Get students to consider that bullying doesn’t always just happen as children. Agree Disagree

Governments can be bullies. Vote With Your Feet Governments can be bullies. Agree Disagree

Vote With Your Feet I have been a bully. Agree Disagree This one is a little more difficult for students to be honest with. The idea is to try to get students to identify that they might have bullied someone in the past. It is not something they are going to get in trouble for this lesson but it is about getting them to show that we all make mistakes and that we should learn from them. Agree Disagree

There is no way to stop bullying. Vote With Your Feet There is no way to stop bullying. Agree Disagree

Bullying Learning Objective: To explore the issue of bullying. I can reflect on my own experiences around bullying. I can explore two types of bullying, verbal and physical. I can understand where it go to for advice on bullying.

Physical Bullying Watch the clips from the film ‘Karate Kid’ about physical bullying. As you are watching consider and discuss some of the following questions… What would you do if this was happening to a friend? What do you think made Dre attack? How might his parents be able to help? Why might he be afraid to tell his parents? What role do the friends play? The website ‘whatsthebigideaprogram’ deals with the issue of physical bullying through the film karate kid. Show students the links from the website beginning with the fight scene in the park. The film is rated PG.

Verbal Bullying Watch the clips from the TV series ‘Freaks and Geeks’ showing verbal bullying. As you are watching consider and discuss some of the following questions… Why do you think she is bullying people? Why is this bullying? Is verbal bullying as bad as physical bullying? Would this have happened without an audience? The website ‘whatsthebigideaprogram’ deals with the issue of verbal bullying through the TV series Freaks and Geeks – sorry it is a little dated but it does the job!

Bullying Learning Objective: To explore the issue of bullying. I can reflect on my own experiences around bullying. I can explore two types of bullying, verbal and physical. I can understand where it go to for advice on bullying.

Where can I go for help? Tell your tutor and head of year If you are being bullied it is important you seek help. Don’t suffer by yourself, there are lots of people who can help you… Tell your tutor and head of year Tell your parents Tell a close friend so they can look out for you Visit pupil support in block 3 Visit the CHUMs in the Big Room

Bullying Learning Objective: To explore the issue of bullying. I can reflect on my own experiences around bullying. I can explore two types of bullying, verbal and physical. I can understand where it go to for advice on bullying.

Before you go… Write down: 3 – Three questions you have about bullying. 2 – Explain the two types of bullying we explored this lesson 1 – One piece of advice you would give to someone who is being bullied