Grant Writing Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Grant Writing Workshop Komen New England Grant Writing Workshop 2017

Agenda and Objectives Introductions Background Goal Our Process Funding Priorities & Limits Request for Applications New Questions Objectives Grant Writing Tutorial GeMS Updates Komen New England

About Susan G. Komen® World’s largest breast cancer organization Funded more than $920 million in research and provided more than $2 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs Komen New England

About Komen® New England Komen New England serves Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine. Komen New England has funded nearly $12 million in community breast health programs in CT, $9 million in Massachusetts, $8 million in New Hampshire and Vermont. Komen New England has contributed more than $8 million to support breast cancer research. Komen New England

Reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by Komen’s Bold Goal Reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. by 2026.

Purpose of Komen Community Grants Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths by… …increasing early detection …increasing access & utilization of quality care so that women stay in the continuum of care.

Application Process Independent Review of Applications Develop NEW RFA Receive Applications Basic Compliance Review Independent Review of Applications Board Approval of Slate Award Grants / Execute Contracts Komen New England

Important Dates ACTION DATE Grant application deadline November 29 Compliance Review December 15 Grant applications reviewed by independent review panel mid-December through February Grant slate approved by Affiliate Board of Directors Early March Grantees notified mid-March Komen New England

Review Process Compliance review by Komen New England staff Ensures applications adhere to RFA requirements Review Panel Is diverse, representing different cultures, racial/ethnic groups, geographic areas, professions and life experiences. Includes independent expert and community reviewers Meets to discuss the grant applications Determines the slate of projects to present to the Board Komen New England

RFA Funding Priorities Patient Navigation Abnormal Screening through to Treatment Reducing Barriers to Care For uninsured & underinsured women Breast Cancer Education** Komen New England

Educational Focus Education for education’s sake VS. 1-on-1, Evidence-based, culturally-relevant education DESIGNED TO RESULT IN DOCUMENTED, AGE-APPROPRIATE BREAST CANCER ACTION. Komen New England

Allowable Expenses Key Personnel / Salaries Consultants/ Sub-contracts Supplies Travel Patient care Other direct project expenses Equipment, including software, not to exceed $5,000 total, essential to the breast health‐related project to be conducted Indirect costs, not to exceed [25] percent of direct costs Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Funding Restrictions Research Education regarding breast self-exams/use of breast models Development of educational materials or resources that either duplicate existing Komen materials or for which there is not a demonstrated need Education via mass media, health fairs and material distribution NOTE! This is not an exhaustive list - that is found in the RFA. We have pointed out what are typically the items that applicants are most confused over. Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Educational Materials We only fund programs that use educational messages and materials that are consistent with Komen messages Be sure that your organization can agree to promote these messages: Komen New England

Funding Limits – Direct & Indirect Combined MA RI ME $10,000 - $65,000 $10,000 - $50,000 $5,001 - $15,000 $5,001 - $15,000 Komen New England

Funding Limits – Direct & Indirect Combined VT NH $5,001 - $20,000 $5,001 - $20,000 Komen New England


Review Scoring Anchors Score Descriptor Score Definition 7 Exceptional Very strong with no weaknesses identified 6 Excellent Very strong with a few minor weaknesses identified 5 Good Strong with at least one moderate weakness identified 4 Satisfactory Some strengths and several moderate weaknesses identified 3 Fair A few strengths and at least one major weakness identified 2 Marginal Very few strengths and a few major weaknesses identified 1 Poor No strengths and several major weaknesses identified Komen New England

Community Profile – Affiliate Target Communities CT MA RI ME By COUNTY Fairfield Hartford Litchfield New Haven New London By CITY Boston Springfield Worcester Entire State Entire State Aim for no more than six bullets per slide Komen New England

Community Profile – Affiliate Target Communities VT NH By COUNTY Addison County By COUNTY Hillsborough County Strafford County Aim for no more than six bullets per slide Komen New England

Community Profile – Affiliate Target Communities For more details about our Communities of Interest, please see the 2015 Community Profiles Komen New England

Project Narrative Accreditation and Sustainability Impact Statement of Need Project Design Organization Capacity Monitoring and Evaluation Accreditation and Sustainability Community Engagement Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Review Criteria Definitions Impact If your program is implemented as designed, how much will it really improve the breast health of the population you are serving? How successful will the project be at increasing the percentage of people who enter, stay in or progress through the continuum of care? To what extent has the applicant demonstrated that the project will have a substantial impact on the selected funding priority? Komen New England

Review Criteria Definitions Statement of Need Does your project address the populations & corresponding needs specifically identified in the Community Profile & listed in the RFA? How well has the applicant described the identified need and the population to be served, including race, ethnicity, economic status and breast cancer mortality statistics? How closely does the project align with the funding priorities and target communities stated in the RFA? Komen New England

Review Criteria Definitions Project Design How likely is it that proposed activities will be achieved within the scope of the project? To what extent is the proposed project designed to meet the needs of specific communities including the cultural and societal beliefs, values and priorities of each community? How well does the applicant incorporate an evidence-based intervention and/or a promising practice? How well does the applicant explain the roles, responsibilities and qualifications of project partners? How well does the budget and budget justification explain the need associated with the project? Komen New England

Review Criteria Definitions Organizational Capacity When the rubber hits the road, do you have the staff, resources & track-record to make the project work? To what extent does the applicant’s staff have the expertise to effectively implement all aspects of the project? How well has the applicant demonstrated evidence of success in delivering services to the target population described? To what extent has the applicant demonstrated they have the equipment, resources, tools, space, etc., to implement all aspects of the project? Komen New England

Review Criteria Definitions Monitoring & Evaluation Are you really measuring the things you need to measure to evaluate success? To what extent will the documented evaluation plan be able to measure progress against the stated project goal and objectives, and the resulting outputs and outcomes? To what extent are the applicant’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) resources/ expertise likely to adequately evaluate project success? Komen New England

New Sections: Accreditation & Sustainability Qualifications of your program Qualifications & Continuing Education of your navigators How well supported is your program by your larger institution? How might changes in current funding impact your program? Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

New Sections: Community Engagement When looking at the community which you actually serve, how well ensconced is your program & your navigators? Not just looking for utilization rates, but qualitative measures, too. What do you do to ensure trust & engagement? What could be improved? Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Project Work Plan – No Goal. No Goals need be listed All actions should be focused on the Bold Goal. Objectives in SMART format Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Bound Komen New England

Project Work Plan – Objective Examples OBJECTIVE 1: By February 1, 2019, the patient navigator will have contacted 100% of all women with an abnormal screening result in Green County within three business days to schedule a follow-up appointment. OBJECTIVE 2: By March 31, 2019, the project will provide 30 uninsured/underinsured Green County women free/reduced cost diagnostic procedures within 30 days of an abnormal screening. Komen New England

Grant Policies & Procedures Komen New England Grant Policies & Procedures 2017

Important Grant Policies The project must occur between April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 No expenses may be accrued against the grant until the contractual agreement is fully executed The contracting process can take up to six weeks Grant payments will be made in installments pending compliance with grant agreement and receipt of satisfactory progress reports Grantee may request one no cost extension of no more than six months per grant Komen New England

Eligibility Requirements Individuals are not eligible to apply. Non-profit organization with 501(c)3 status or a governmental organization with 170(c)(1) status serving residents of: Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, New Haven, New London counties, CT Boston, Worcester, Springfield, MA Rhode Island Maine Eligibility Requirements must be met at time of application submission Komen New England

Eligibility Requirements Individuals are not eligible to apply. Non-profit organization with 501(c)3 status or a governmental organization with 170(c)(1) status serving residents of: Addison County, VT Strafford, Hillsborough Counties, NH Eligibility Requirements must be met at time of application submission Komen New England

Submission Requirements All proposals must be submitted online through GeMS: Applications must be received on or before November 29, 2017 at 5 pm EST. Submission is a two-step process Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Insurance Requirements If awarded, a Certificate of Insurance (COI) is required Grantee is required at minimum to hold: Coverage Type Minimum Limits Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 in the aggregate Workers’ compensation $1,000,000 Excess/Umbrella $5,000,000 Automobile Liability * Medical Malpractice Coverage** $3,000,000 in the aggregate * If providing transportation services ** If providing direct medical services Komen New England

Important Dates ACTION DATE Grantees notified mid-March First check issued following execution of contract Varies Six-month progress report due, second payment issued after approval of six-month progress report mid-November Site visits Fall 2018 Deadline to request a no-cost extension March 1, 2019 Final report and return of any unspent funds due July 2019 Komen New England

Project Work Plan – GeMS Komen New England

Reporting on Objectives in GeMS Komen New England

Appendix A: FY 18 Reporting Metrics NEW METRICS! Take time to review the FY18 Reporting Metrics listed in the RFA All grantees will report on demographics of those served Each option in the service list on the Project Workplan page of the application will have a corresponding, customized page in the progress and final report. Grantees will only report back on those services they select Komen New England

Budget Pages Key Personnel/Salaries Consultants/Sub-contracts Supplies Travel Patient Care Other Indirect Project Budget Summary Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Budget - Patient Care This section includes all services for patient care Komen New England

Budget – GeMS Project Budget Summary Komen New England

Grant Writing Workshop Grant Writing Tutorial Grant Writing Workshop 2017

Supporting Documents The following attachments are required at the time of submission per the RFA: Attachment GeMS Page Letters of Support or Memoranda of Understanding Project Profile Resumes/ Job Descriptions Key Personnel/ Salaries Proof of Tax-Exempt Status Project Budget Summary Komen New England

Grant Writing Tutorial Developing a Proposal Writing an Abstract Developing Objectives Program Evaluation Budgeting Helpful Hints Icon from Thinkstock Komen New England

Planning the Proposal Read everything! RFA Community Profile Consider the funding priorities carefully Discuss ideas with decision-makers in your organization Komen New England

Planning the Proposal (Cont.) Explore opportunities for collaboration Work across departments to develop your proposal– do not work in a silo START EARLY Allow time to craft an innovative application that is truly responsive to the identified needs in the community Komen New England

Proposal Abstract First impressions are important Brief statement of your “case” and a summary of your proposal Be compelling & concise! Do not exceed 1,000 characters (about 200 words) Komen New England

Program Evaluation: Process What happened How it happened How much Where To whom Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Program Evaluation: Impact Changes in: Behavior Knowledge Attitudes Beliefs Change among: Individuals Providers Organizations Communities Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Budget & Expenses Projects become reality because the central idea is sold, not because the proposal is cheap! Be realistic! Ask for what you need. Justify expenses. Do the costs follow with narrative project description? Is an estimated expense calculation and an explanation about how the funds will be used and why they are necessary to achieve proposed objectives included? Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Helpful Hints Read the RFA carefully — follow ALL directions Be innovative, realistic, specific Write clearly, use active rather than passive voice Avoid jargon or acronyms Allow plenty of time Komen New England

Follow the steps in the GeMS Manual EXACTLY as written Applicant Support Contact with questions: Ryan Tollefson, Grants Manager 774-512-0408 Use the GeMS Applicant Manual to guide you through all steps of the application process, from user registration to application submission Follow the steps in the GeMS Manual EXACTLY as written Icon from Flaticon Komen New England

Grantwriting Workshop GeMS Updates Grantwriting Workshop 2017

GeMS Enhancements Komen New England Icons made by  Freepik  from  Komen New England

Enhanced Navigation Komen New England

Enhanced Navigation Komen New England

Application Snapshot Komen New England

Questions? Email or call 774-512-0408 for more information . Komen New England