Wednesday 17th February LO: Analyse how Roman achievements helped Britain
Can you think of any inventions the Romans brought to Britain? Clue: Think about things that weren’t there before the Romans came. Thinking question….
Task: Each table will get a photo of something the Romans brought to Britain. You have 5 minutes with each picture. For each one, you need to answer these questions: What is it? What do you think it was used for? How did it help Britain? Go to the next slide to see how it should look in your book.
What is it? I think they are Roman numbers. 2. What do you think they were used for? To record numbers and important dates in history. 3. How did it help Britain? They had a way to remember important information or show the amount of things needed.
What is it? Roman letters (Latin language) 2. What do you think they were used for? To have a language that they could write down. 3. How did it help Britain? It gave people a way to communicate with each other and write down important information.
What is it? A Roman city. 2. What do you think they were used for? To live in and build buildings inside. 3. How did it help Britain? Kept people safe.
What is it? A chariot. 2. What do you think they were used for? For people to travel on. 3. How did it help Britain? People could get from one place to the other quicker.
What is it? An aqueduct. 2. What do you think they were used for? To transport water from the mountains into the cities. 3. How did it help Britain? People get water to drink and bathe with easier.
What is it? A Roman bath. 2. What do you think they were used for? To clean themselves. 3. How did it help Britain? Bathing gets rid of bacteria and germs so people were cleaner and less likely to become sick.
What is it? A road. 2. What do you think they were used for? For people and chariots to travel on. The Roman Army also used it to march on. 3. How did it help Britain? People could get to places easily and could follow a route – less likely to get lost.