Advance Care Planning in Minnesota Karen Peterson, Executive Director
2008 Twin Cities Medical Society Board of Directors Learn from Respecting Choices Success hinged on collaboration
Build a comprehensive and sustainable ACP presence throughout our state
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Working with Payers & Employers Illness and aging are stressful – whether you are the patient, caregiver, or involved loved one Research shows that more than 1 in 6 adult workers are currently involved in caregiving of an aging or ill family member (Gallup, Business Journal 12/2011) Having conversations and making decisions ahead of time is proven to relieve stress in times of illness or medical emergency Conversations about healthcare can also lead to conversations about other topics related to aging (housing, transportation, etc.) Distraction, absenteeism and loss of productivity related to caregiving costs employers billions of dollars each year (MetLife Caregiving Cost Study 7/2006; Gallup Business Journal 12/2011) Working with Payers & Employers Which are you?
, Educate ourselves Partner with MN Health Action Group & Stratis Health Develop and share an ACP Tool Kit