Questionnaire for the parents - May 2011 “From The Waste Basket” Comenius Project for pre-primary school Rignano sull’Arno – Italy school year 2010 – 2011 Questionnaire for the parents - May 2011
130 pupils 64 answers Have you been interested by the work done by your child/school about the issue of recycling?
Have you changed the way you sort out your waste since the first questionnaire?
if yes, what have you changed? We have begun to separate the diferent kinds of waste
Have you been looking for more informations about the recycling issue?
if yes, what kind of informations and where? Internet TV Booklet Newpaper
Do you know what kind of materials has been used by your school during this school year?
Are you going to visit the COMENIUS exhibition that will be in our school in the next days?
Did you give back the first questionnaire?
Do you think your child's understanding of the recycling issue has improved?
Is your child showing an interest in recycling?
Has your child begun to use recycled materials to make their own artwork/objects/junk models etc at home?
Have you ever heard of the Italian national project "Let`s clean the world?"