Employee Engagement Leaders Networking Dinner June 2013 Water Rat Hotel - 256 Moray St, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Tuesday 11th June 2013, 6.30pm drinks for dinner at 7pm
Introduction CCA – 1996 SA Greenfields site – CCA – 1999 NSW Production and OP’s management – create autonomy Visy – 2002 National Improvement Manager – pull sites together, determine skills Visy – 2004 WA OP’s Management – improve result Visy – 2007 SA OP’s Management – improve result Visy – 2010 VIC OP’s Management – improve result Six sigma, Toyota, Lean, TQM, WCM and many others have been morphed in many directions. The common link is engaging the hearts and minds to change outcomes that sustain results.
Engagement The very first step in the process is to know who you are! Explain what the workforce can expect from you and then deliver without compromise. Spend time with the workforce, share your self with them, above all be yourself. Understand their issues, table them, litmus test them and set to work resolving them, remain flexible. As the journey unfolds grab the low hanging fruit for some quick wins. Meet with agreed frequency. Hold the action team to account. Multi-pronged approach. Run as many programmes as time allows. War on waste, Duam Partners, project listen, action teams, WCM, HACCP, Standardised work practices.
Issues along the journey Nay Sayers – seen it before, the new guys ideas suck, we have tried everything. They will be the minority, within the audience the answers lye. So Called Experts – white anteing, test them, give them their exposure. Influencer – makes their own assumptions and can be a mine field. Over confidence – business results over delivering and blinding good decisions. Training – more the better as it keeps change front of mind. Reward the wins and make a big statement. Testing times; – hard man, bully etc. – boozer, tough guy, entitlement abuser. Serial offenders – sick leave, return to work programmes, back shift slackers.
Improvement milestones Quality Circles - USA 1974 Early 1980s TQM Late 1980s World Class Manufacturing Business Process Re-engineering Early 1990s Lean Late 1990s 6 Sigma Lean 6 Sigma Early 2000s Mid 1980s NUMMI Quality Assurance 1989
7 Wastes Over Production Inventory Waiting Over Processing Defects Unnecessary Motion Transport Fuijio Cho defines waste as “anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space and worker’s time, which are absolutely essential to add value to the product”
Toyota Production System Philosophy ( Long term thinking ) Process ( Eliminate waste ) People and Partners ( Respect, challenge & growth ) Problem Solving ( Continuous Improvement & Learning ) Prof J. Liker “The Toyota Way”
Formal Process 5S Mini Business Visual Factory Management Lead Process Workplace Organisation Housekeeping Engagement Mini Business Performance Mgt Issue Mgt Responsibility / Accountability Visual Factory Management Lead Process Pull Systems Reliability for Operators Process Control Theory of Constraints Value Stream Mapping SMED