9.1 The Origins of the IR
SWBAT- Explain where the IR SWBAT- Explain where the IR. Originated and how the textile industry impacted the IR. The IR originated from Great Britain. The textile industry impacted the IR in a few ways including mechanization, the use of automatic machinery to increase production. It started the domestic system, in which businesses imported cotton to weavers to make it into cloth. The textile industries also helped start the factory system, by using spinning mills.
Agricultural Revolution Before 1600 land was open and free to all Then in the 1600’s people started to fence of their own land in a movement called the “enclosure movement”. This lasted until 1700 As large land owners took over more land they engulfed the small farmers and took their land. Jethro Tull was a farmer that several advancements to farming technology such as the seed drill and horse drawn hoe. Charles Townshed created crop rotation. A method of changing the type of crop used in the soil. Robert Ransome created the first iron plow with interchangeable parts
Factors of Production The industrial revolution began in Great Britain. Factors of production were basic resources needed to build and develop. Great Britain was the country that was exposed to this the highest.
Textile Industry and Steam Engines The cotton textile industry in great Britain to undergo mechanization, the use of machinery in production. Domestic system: a system in which men and women work in their homes In 1712 Thomas NewComen produced the first successful steam engine. In 1769 James watt patented the improved steam engine.
Iron, Coal And Steel As industrial revolution continued, iron and coal became the two major raw materials of modern industry Great Britain had an advantage over other countries because it had large amounts of those two resources Invention and availability of more and more machines produced a great demand for iron to make
Industrialization in other fields The production of shoes, clothing, ammunition, and furniture became mechanized, as did printing and papermaking. People used machines to cut and finish lumber, to process foods, and to make other machines. London became one of the first cities to pipe in gas to burn in street lamps
Transportation and Communication John McAdam worked out a way of building roads that improved travel conditions. George Stephenson perfected a steam-propelled moving engine that ran on rail. Alessandro Volta built the first battery, a device that provided a steady current of electricity. Samuel Morse invented Morse code which became a practical communication instrument People found a way to carry electricity under sea by using sea cables, heavily insulated telegraph wires, which allowed for communication out on sea or to other lands.
19.1 obj 1 The I.R. started in Great Britain because of land capital and labor. Great Britain has a lot “land” or natural resources. Great Britain as also exposed to good capital or money and goods. Great Britain also had a large population to deal with labor demands.
OBJ 2- 3 inventions of the Agricultural revolution: First was the flying shuttle, meant for spinning cotton quicker. Second was the spinning Jenny, people could spin multiple threads at once, up to 8 threads. Finally was the steam engine, a form of transportation that revolutionized transportation forever.
Obj 3 Damn it riley
OBJ 4 - Identify 4 important developments transportation and communication during the IR. - Four important developments of transportation and communication during the IR included the improvement of road. Also some other countries used canals or waterways as their highways. The steam engine offered many possibilities for new means of transportation. George Stephenson perfected it. Alessandro Volta built the first battery, a device that provided a steady current of electricity. Samuel Morse put this work together and sent an electrical current over a wire to a machine at the other end of the wire. Each time the electricity passed through the wire the machine clicked which led to the communication system of Morse Code. This code became a practical communication instrument. These are a few of the developments that impacted the IR.